Tuesday, April 30, 2024

God's Stand On Wigs, Makeup And Artificial Beauty


Firstly I want to say that God has created all things well and perfect. We are fearfully and wonderfully made already. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are not beautiful. God cannot be happy that someone somewhere is altering His perfect creation, that is the reason God attacks people doing this will illness at one point or the other. Any man that wants you to use fake beauty on yourself to attract him to you doesn't have the fear of God and a man that doesn't fear God cannot be a good man to you, he will hurt you and act like nothing happened. The purpose of these wigs, makeup and artificial beauty accessories like fake eye lashes, fake nails, lip stick is to attract demons to you. These demons need these things before they can manifest in anyone life, that is why men who sleep with women like this, spend money on unnecessary things and they cannot stop themselves from doing it because they are being controlled by demons that has possessed these women against their own wish. Atimes these men complain but they still can't stand for themselves, that is the evil work the demons behind these fake beauty accessories is doing. To turn men to zombies, the same men God has deposited authority in them to be able to control the earth,including their money and their sexual urge, they are the ones who demons are making them lose money for flimsy things despite the stress they did to get the money, they sleep around like dogs, because once they see another woman with that same makeup or wig on the woman they slept with before they want to sleep with her too, marriages are becoming a joke because of the influence of these demons. Today God is calling us out to check ourselves, open your spiritual eyes and sense. Start allowing your relationship and marriage to be controlled by the Spirit of God. Control your sexual urge so you can choose the woman who fears the Lord when it's time to choose woman for marriage. And so that you can be committed to your wife and not be the husband who keeps a good wife in the house and still goes outside to sleep with girls possessed with evil spirits and scattering his marriage later. Let us stop the works of darkness. Let's remember our God today and appreciate His good and perfect work of how He has created us. 

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Jesus Parable Of The Talents


God is teaching us not to hide our talents. God doesn't want us to be unprofitable servants. God brought everyone of us to the world to live our lives to please Him. Exchanging God's gift in our lives for fame and wealth from the devil is not making God happy. God wants us in our little corners to shine as light to the darkness around us, how we can do this is when we ourselves have allowed the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cleanse us from our sins and we are living our lives in obedience to God's commandments, that is when everything we try to do can be able to recover people from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light of God. 

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Jesus Will Give You Rest


You have been roaming about searching for peace, searching for happiness, searching for comfort, you think all these things are in the worldly things, you think money can give you the satisfaction you are seeking, you think it's in alcohol, you think it's in smoking, you think it's by sleeping with different women that you get your happiness, today God is saying all these things you are seeking is in Him through Jesus Christ His Son. No other man can give this peace that Jesus seeks, cease from the idle searching, there's no need for the searching in vain anymore. God is sending me to tell you that what you are seeking for is in the salvation of Jesus Christ. Come to Jesus today. Jesus will give you the rest your heart truly needs. The rest that doesn't make one troubled even in the storm. Only Jesus gives this rest. I pray that God will use this message to set even the lawful captives free in Jesus name. Amen. 

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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Righteousness Is Protection


He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. God protects His children that will rather do the will of God than to sin against God to make themselves rich or have anything, they prefer to pass through the fire of affliction with their integrity and fear of God. And God always proves His mightiness by protecting them from being injured by this fire of trials, they always come out unscathed as if they never went through it.

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Preparing For Marriage


In this podcast God is teaching us that marriage starts after wedding. Preparing for marriage is more than the preparations for the wedding day alone. We need to be prepared to accept our partner into our space that we used to share alone before. We should not go into marriage to bully the other person, marriage is partnership, we should be prepared to work with someone else and also attend to the needs of our partners. One of preparations for marriage is also we getting to the point when we are no longer desperate, but we are fully determined to wait for God's choice for us at the time He does it instead of forcing anyone to fit into being the will of God even while there are clear signs they are completely opposite to what God plans for us. 

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Your Marriage And Your Destiny

 In this podcast God is teaching us that one important goal of God creating marriage is for the improvement of our destinies. It is for achieving the God given assignments God placed on our hearts and in our hands. Going into marriage or choosing a partner because of physical features or how much they are coming after us is not a good reason. We should take time to have constructive conversations to know who they really are, their potentials and what their lives journey is about.

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Marriage Is Not For Sex Alone


In this podcast God is teaching us that, we should not go into marriage because of sex alone. There are many things we should put into considerations before accepting a proposal or before proposing marriage to a woman. One of it is the destiny, the ambitions, the goals, the voice of God. Don't assume God's voice in your head let God really speak and let Him really be directing you in that path. Only God knows the person that will always want to be with you in the journey no matter what you are going through. Assuming it is God that is leading you because of the present situation or influence of the person now is a wrong reason for marriage.

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Marriage Is A Covenant


In this podcast God is teaching us that, marriage is a covenant that God, hosts of heaven, some spiritual entities in the environment, elders, younger ones, parents, government, men of God, parents, friends, family, and many other people are in attendance, it is not a joke, it should not be done with wrong reasons that can easily cause breakup or divorce later. We should go into marriage at the time we know we are ready to obey God's instructions to keep our bodies for our partners alone, we should go into the marriage at the time we know we will stay and stick with our partners alone no matter the times or situations. That is not to say that there are no divorce that God Himself will not be angry they occurred. But we should not go into marriage or lead someone to make vows of marriage with us knowing fully well that our purpose for the marriage is to divorce in few months. All the getting married for papers are one of the ways of bowing down to the devil to get wealth. Marriage is not a joke, God has His eyes on it. Let's wait on God to give us our documents without doing fake marriage and He will do it because we have learnt many times how God never disappointed those who will rather obey God than bow to sin to save themselves. God always come through in most miraculous ways that comes with people serving our God.

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Giving Your Body To Keep A Relationship


In this podcast God is teaching us that, let all men be false and God alone be true. God wants us to say like the Apostles that we will obey God rather than men. God does not want us to give our bodies in attempt to keep a man to be in relationship with us as woman or to get him to marry us. God will send his judgements if we choose to obey man by sleeping with him rather than choosing to obey God by saying NO, God can make the man to become a woman beater, God can cause him to be sleeping with other women thereby hurting the woman who thought she was doing the right thing by sleeping with him in attempt to make him stay with the woman. God cannot be mocked. God has more blessings in store for us when we choose to obey Him rather than sinning against God to please man.

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Exchanging Sex For Favour

 In this podcast God is teaching us that we will always have needs and we will always need favours, God will always come through for us in most unexpected ways because He promised He will always make a way of escape from every temptation. And even if He doesn't make a way of escape in the way we are expecting at that time, God will use the situation to take us to the greater heights He actually has for us. It is not God's will for us to be exchanging sex for favour. Sex is sacred, it is covenant, it should not be shared with anyone except the person we have been joined in marriage with. When one exchange sex for favour, you will lose seeing how God wanted to bless you if you didn't go in the way of the devil that was suggested to you.

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New Marriage Because They Help Your Destiny


God is teaching us that marriage is a covenant, it is a vow, it is a promise that we should keep. Marriage is also for progressing our destinies, therfore, we must be sure the person we want to get married to is someone our destinies match, there are lots of wrong reasons people are going into marriage today and years later they realised they chose for the wrong reasons. God is teaching us that if anyone finds a new person later that match the destiny, don't break your vows of marriage. Stay with your choice. Don't hurt someone else. This podcast is more of teaching us not to marry wrong and be looking for easy way out later.

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New Area New Lover

 God is teaching us that it is not His will for us to base our love and relationship on proximity alone. Once we allow God to choose a partner for us, that is the person we are to devote the intimate part of us to. Sleeping with different women because we are not with the person we are in relationship with is not right with God. Once we make a choice that remains our choice. Distance should not make us change our minds.

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Sex On First Date


In this podcast God is teaching us that sex on first date is wrong. It is not right in the sight of God. Lots of men will try to convince a woman that there is nothing wrong in that and it will not reduce their love but will even increase the love for the woman in their heart. Let God alone be true and men liars. Be on the safer side of the fear of God and say NO to his tricks. The same man who says it is right will turn back and insult you. Even if he doesn't turn back, that is not the love God planned for us. A man always seeing you as sex element is not love, that is using someone. 

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

God Is Always On Time


God wants us to know that He has a more beautiful testimony for us that is why it seems God is taking longer to give us what we are looking at that our friends have and we don't have, just like the miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead after four days was more glorious than if he was healed of his sickness. The waiting is for the glory of God. No doubt, people will mock us, people will look down on us, some will even treat us like we are nothing but everything will eventually make the testimony more beautiful when God finally does the great things we have been looking up to Him for. God is never late. God is always on time. I pray these words encourage someone to wait on the plan of God and allow God work things out in our lives for His glory. Amen. 

PayPal - olaodunayo@gmail.com

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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Body Count


God is teaching us that it is not God's will for us to have several body counts. God designed sex to be with that one person we have taken our time to know in and out without being sexually intimate, inside the marriage. Each demon that is acquired during sex comes with seven more of itself until it becomes a legion like the mad man of gadarene Jesus healed in the bible, that is why many people go into depression, using alcohol, smoking weed to cure the depression while the body and soul is being destroyed. That is the effect of dishonouring God and our bodies, God wants us to honour Him in our bodies. God is also giving us chance to come back to God and let Him return the glory that was lost back to us.

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Should Relationship Start With Sex

 God is teaching us that we should not start relationship with sex. Relationship time is that time we should be using to build ourselves and know more about the divine assignment God has for this relationship. Sex is for marriage. God designed it to seal everything we have taken time to build while in relationship days inside the marriage. It is supposed to be at the time we don't feel condemned to show our nakedness to each other, it is at a time we are not worried about opening our inmost part to someone we barely know or someone who has no idea about our goals and ambitions, it is supposed to be an experience we share with someone we know we are building a goal together. This person knows me and I know him. That is what sex should be. That's why relationship should not be with sex so we can enjoy God's benefits of sex.

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Men Stop Having Several Baby Mamas


First of all, it is wrong to sleep with a woman you are not married to. It is not right to have children outside of wedlock. Yet again it is worse to turn it to a perpetual thing like it's fun to have several women who you are not married to but have your children. It's not fun, there is no joy in it. It is pure indiscipline. These are the things we have been learning all along, men take your authority serious, it starts from controlling your sexual desires and not sleeping with random women.

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Making Them More Sons Of Hell Than Themselves


In this podcast God is teaching us to be alert spiritually to those who call themselves pastors, prophets or ministers who claim to be preaching the word of God but their behaviour is different from things they are teaching, they are the ones who are making people more sons of hell than themselves. Jesus says they are not going to heaven and they are also shutting the door of heaven against people. Watch out for these congregation and so called men of God, don't stay in their ministrations. God already warned us in 2 Timothy 3:5, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof, from such turn away. 

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Because Their Work Is Evil

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, the reason those our friends don't like to associate with us as Christians is because their work is evil. God wants us to continue to do the will of God thereby being the light reproving them of the sin in their lives. God does not want us to join them. God wants us to shine our light always.

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Love Your Wife As Your Own Self


In this podcast God is teaching men that love is not selfish. Don't be the type of man that only cares about your own comfort in the marriage but doesn't care if your wife is comfortable or not. This is not God's standard. Everything that you want from your wife you can do them to her too, that is one of the ways to lead, by examples. Treat women with honour, it makes you a good man that women can feel comfortable to get close to you. Don't be a tiger man that bullies women and make women cry.

 Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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What Shall It Profit A Man

 In this podcast God is teaching us that when because of the fear of losing our soul we decide to sin against God, such will lose the soul, but when we because of the fear of God lose some things, we will not lose, because God will always come through for us in miraculous ways. There is no profit in a man gaining the whole world and losing his soul. God wants our gaining wealth to be out of the fear of God and not leaving God out of our decisions to acquire wealth or anything that will make life easy for us. Let's allow God to do it for us in the best way that we will have our salvation with it.

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Ye Have Not Been Tempted Unto Blood

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, the temptation we are experiencing is not to destroy us, God says He will be with us in the fire that the fire will not consume us, in the waters that the water will not cover us. There is no temptation coming our way that God has not created grace to pass through it and also way to escape. We can only see the goodness of God in the situations when we decide to be on the side of God.

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Mutual Love In Relationship

 Today God is teaching us that love is supposed to be mutual in relationship and marriage, when your wife is caring for you and your feelings, you should do the same. If you used to be a child with your parents who doesn't care about getting his environment clean, you should grow up when you have a wife, shed off the behaviours that hurt people when you are in relationship or married. Let all you project be the soft side of yourself always that is the love part.

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What God Wants Us To Know About The Antichrist

 In this podcast God wants us to know that the works of antichrist is already manifesting in the world, John says, they left from among the church but they are not one of them and they had to leave to prove that they are not one of them preaching the true gospel, what God is saying here is, the antichrist is manifesting in the churches where they don't preach true gospel. Also in the hearts of people who don't want to receive true teaching of the gospel, God gives them over to strong delusion to believe lies, it is the spirit of antichrist that makes people comfortable in a place they call church but they are speaking lies and false signs and wonders. Ask for grace from God to remove the spirit of delusion and give you grace to accept the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

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My House Shall Be Called The House Of Prayer


In this podcast God is teaching us that, God created churches so His presence can always be there every time. Churches should not be a place that support worldliness or place that our body is satisfied against the spirit. The house of God should be a house of prayers, a house where we receive power to be righteous, a house where we get convicted of our sins and determine to do the will of God. If your church is the type that when you leave church you want to remain in your sin or you want to go deeper into sin then you are not in the true house of God that God created. 

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Unfruitful Works Of Darkness


In this podcast God is teaching us that we should not do secret sinful things. We should not join our friends who are not saved to involve in their sinful devices. We should be the light to reprove them of things they are doing that God doesn't like. As pastors too, God has placed the duty of caring for the souls of men in our hands, we should not encourage their sinful jobs because we want them to bring large money to the church, let us depend on God for our blessings, we should preach the truth of the word of God always. 

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Love Not The World

 In this podcast God is teaching us that we should not love the world or it's ways as they are sinful, anyone who loves the world passes away with the world as new things keep coming up every time, but when it is the love of God that is on our hearts, we abide forever. Because God doesn't pass away, the things of God doesn't get outdated, they keep renewing themselves every day.

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The Love Of Money

 In this podcast God is teaching us that the love of money will lead us away from God, the love of money has caused many people to be in bondage and snares for the rest of their lives and they still eventually die leaving all the wealth they acquired through sinful means. God is encouraging us to stay and wait on God to bless us. Because this is the kind of wealth that doesn't add sorrow to it.

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And These Things Shall Be Added

 In this podcast God is teaching us that God blesses unlike what people think today as if only bowing down to the devil brings wealth. God does blesses. But it must be on the principle that we are seeking the kingdom of God first, and then these other things will be added unto us at God's perfect time that adds no sorrow to it.

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Purer Than The Diamond

 In this podcast God is teaching us that we can be purer than the diamond. It is possible. Though it is not without fighting to stay on the side of God. It is also with having the word of God on our hearts always to guide us and keep us on the side of God.

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How Foolish To Claim There Is No God


In this podcast, God is teaching us that the God is invisible yet the creations are revealing His majesty, He has revealed His power through the things He created, so many things we cannot control that only God has power over like life, like making a child to form in the womb, all these are power of God, we see how God comes through for us daily at difficult situations which no man can do then for us to now say there is no God, it is very foolish to say. It is vain imaginations to think everything around us that are showing the power of God just came into existence on their own. They didn't, it is God who created them. 

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Gayism And Lesbianism High Uncleanness Before God

 In this podcast God is teaching us that uncleanness takes God's covering away from people. Such become prey in the mouth of devil at any time, the right natural use is man and woman sleeping with each other which is the perfect work of God, it is the devil who did man sleeping with man or woman sleeping with woman just to make God angry or to make God want to destroy a particular person. God is not happy when we are doing things that make Him stay away from us and He can't protect us. God loves us so much, so God is telling us to come to Him and forsake those uncleanness keeping us away from Him and He will give our hearts rest.

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Ye Are The Light Of The World

 In this podcast, God is teaching us that at every place God places us, He wants us to shine as light there. He is not taking us there to join their sinful ways but to stand out as children of God. Many people don't know about God or the salvation of Jesus Christ, that is why God allows His children to be in such places where people that don't know God are, God wants us to live right before them to show them how to live our lives to please God. And also be a salt that gives sweetness to their bittered life, but when we lose the savour by doing same things that bring sorrow to them, we will not be able to help them out of the depressed life caused by sin. 

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He That Is Born Of God

 In this podcast God is teaching us what real born again means. Being truly born again is when you sincerely repent of your sins and make a covenant with God not to back into them again. The power of God to go and sin no more replaces the desire to sin when you are genuinely saved. The bible says he that is born of God cannot sin, it is not a trying not to sin thing, you cannot just sin because you are born of God and the seed of God in you can only bring out fruits of righteousness. 

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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

How Can I Do This And Sin Against God

 In this podcast God wants us to know that, the fear of God makes us wise. And God also wants us to know that, if at every time our reasons for refusing sinful offers is because we fear God and not because we fear parents or partners, God will always come through for us. God will never let us be put to shame.

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Marriage Is Worth Waiting For From God

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, one of the reasons God created marriage is for children to grow up in an environment of love, peace, unity and blessed. We don't have to be selfish when picking who to marry, we don't have to think about the present alone, we should think about the future too in making our decision on marriage. Marriage is something we should prepare for too, financially, we should be able to afford things before going into marriage then also check we are going into marriage with someone who supports our goals in life instead of getting married and forcing someone to believe in us or being stranded doing it alone because we chose the person who is enemy of progress.

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Waiting For Prosperity From God


In this podcast God is telling us not to be envious of those making money through sinful means. God blesses, and He will bless us at His perfect time. God's blessings allows us to flourish even at old age, it is the devil's type of wealth that causes depression and poverty after they have once been rich.

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Professing To Be Wise They Became Fools


In this podcast God is teaching us that every decision we make that is sin against God makes us foolish. God tells us in Proverbs 3 not to be wise in our own eyes but to trust God with our whole hearts. The only way we can be a wise person is when we have the fear of God and we allow the fear of God to be the one that directs our decisions at all times no matter the temptation or difficulty we are going through. God has better plans for us than what our wisdom can lead us to. 

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God Gave Them Over To Reprobate Minds

 In this podcast God wants us to accept the yoke of Jesus that is easy and the burden is light, because everything that devil deceives people to do are not convenient, they are things that destroy the body or the soul. Refusing God and His commands will harden someone's heart so much that such will be running towards destruction and will never be able to save themselves. Just like pharaoh when he hardened his heart against God's instruction, his heart was hardened by God until he was destroyed.

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Are You Still Heaven Conscious

 In this podcast God is teaching us that we should wake ourselves up from our slumber incase we are now only after the earthly fame and riches alone without caring if there is a place called heaven. We should be reminded that there is heaven and the reason for us getting saved is so we can be with Jesus at the end of this world. We should live our lives here on earth to please God. We should not be like those the bible say they will not want to endure sound doctrine will be going after pastors who will not talk anything about heaven but will be discussing fables, things that will not help the soul. Check yourself, if you are feeling comfortable with such teachings that lack power of convicting a sinner of their sins, you are already losing your consciousness of heaven, wake up.

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The Curse God Placed On Women

 In this podcast God is teaching women that, the curse God placed on women is not something that is normal and people should feel comfortable with. God can remove it. One of the ways this curse gets to work is by listening to man than instruction of God that flee fornication, if you as a lady think because you don't want to lose a man you start sleeping with him without being married to you, what happens is, you lose your power and self respect, he can abuse you and you feel it is love and even when you feel you are abused you don't have the power to leave this relationship. God can remove the curse from women when we choose the word of God over the word of man. God will establish us with a good man who doesn't want to abuse a woman but rather wants to treat a woman with respect. 

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What Wife Submit To Your Husband Means

 In this podcast God is teaching us the popular bible passage of the bible that lots of people misinterpret, the scripture interprets itself, it is not our own human wisdom that will interpret it for us, submission doesn't mean bullying, submission doesn't mean one person serving the other person while the other person doesn't do the same, bible says, love one another as yourself, bible says in honour prefer the other person. That is to say, submission is not something that should hurt, it is not something that will make a woman lose her ambitions and goals in life.

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Sex Is Worth The Wait For

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, our bodies are God's temple, God wants to dwell in us and make us a blessing to the world, this can be achieved when we flee fornication, sex is worth the wait for because, it helps us to be focused on our goals when we wait for it, we can go far in life and also have a good marriage that we trust our partners and we are not battling with insecurity.

Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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Sexual Purity In A Sexual Immoral World


In this podcast, God is opening our eyes to see the pains sexual immorality cause and then compare it to the blessings in being sexually pure. God also tells us that it is His will for us to present our bodies to Him as Holy sacrifice, God doesn't want us to join the world, He wants us to be different.

Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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Girls Allow Men To Grow


In this podcast God wants us to know that His will and plan for marriage is for a man to be responsible and able to make decisions that both wife and children can rely on not to hurt or destroy them. God didn't design it that it is the wife who should be policing the man around, fighting girls away from him, that will not be a good marriage because it will turn into mother and son type of relationship. God wants softness and peace for women in marriage and relationship. That is why ladies need to watch out for matured qualities in a man before falling in love with him, don't fall for looks or money. Look out for the qualities that show that this man is ready to be responsible and choose you only not going about trying every girl out there. Men need to grow into this, stop assuming things for your man. Take time for the growth before going into marriage with him. 

Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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How To Avoid Divorce


In this podcast God is teaching us that God's purpose for marriage is for two people to be together for life. Divorce is a whole lot of stress to deal with, how to avoid divorce is to take your time to find out things about this person before going into the marriage. Check if your destinies align or agree, check your beliefs and religions if the agree. Don't go into marriage based on soul ties formed through sex. It is dangerous and destructive bond. 

Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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They Are Not Of This World


In this podcast God is reminding us the prayer of Jesus for His disciples and those who will believe in Jesus through their preaching which includes us as Christians today, Jesus was praying to God to keep us from evil despite being in the world but not of the world, Jesus also said the world will hate us and our ways because we are not like them, our ways are against what they are doing but we should rejoice in it, we should not try to be like them.

 Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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Power To Overcome Temptations

 In this podcast God is teaching us that the power to overcome temptations comes with power of true salvation. When we are truly saved, we cannot sin because he that is born of God does not sin because the seed of God in him cannot sin, such person only brings out fruits of righteousness. Another way to get the power to overcome temptation is through Prayers, through listening and meditating on the word of God and also by preaching the word of God when we are tempted to sin, we should let people know that what God says about such things they are asking us to do.

 Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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The Stand Of The Three Hebrew Children

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, just as God didn't fail the three Hebrew children for standing for Him in the face of fiery furnace, God will never fail us too if we decide to stand for God in the face of fiery trials temptations. God will be with us in the trials and this will let people know about our God who alone can deliver His children from what people think will destroy them but God turns it around for glory.

Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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How To Be A Good Husband And Father


In this podcast God is teaching men that how to be a good husband and father start from how you live your life long before you get married. It is in making strong decision not to be a man that destroy women. This will help you to be focused on your family when you get married and no curse is following you and your family, and no other women or children outside your marriage is pulling you.

Incase this has blessed you and you wish to encourage and support me, you can use my PayPal account olaodunayo@gmail.com

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The Gospel Of Jesus Is Not For Divination

  Jesus Christ came to seek and save those who are lost. That is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does. It saves us from sin and gives us a n...