Friday, June 28, 2024

The Gospel Of Jesus Is Not For Divination


Jesus Christ came to seek and save those who are lost. That is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does. It saves us from sin and gives us a new life that is life of victory over sin. Anytime someone's purpose for going after a pastor or prophet or even attending a church is to get prophecies or divination about the future or a problem, such person will fall into the hands of those who do divination using the power of darkness. Such things should not come to the church. Christianity is for reconciling people back to God to live a life pleasing to God and to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ the second time, it is not for divination. Joel prophesied that God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh unlike how it used to be in the old testament times before Jesus Christ came that the Spirit of God only used to fall on specific person at a time, nowadays after the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, everyone of us can have the spirit of prophecy, no need to run after a self acclaimed prophet who will not teach you to get saved and forsake sin, the Spirit of God comes upon anyone who has been saved and lives a life above sin. The self acclaimed prophets are just doing it to enrich their pockets and to make it sad, their prophecies are not from the Spirit of God, it is from the power of demons. God is just showing us the deep revelations that people don't know today so we can escape from the traps of these fake prophets and pastors who are sucking their followers dry. 

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Christian Living


Today's topic is another of bible teaching that the new age churches are no longer preaching but God still wants us to encourage ourselves with this teaching of how a Christian is supposed to be behave among friends, colleagues or family, not just in the church alone. One of the behavior of a Christian is, a Christian doesn't fight or strive. Anything that can lead to strive should be avoided. Christians are not covetous of money because anywhere covetousness is, there will be evil as they will not care who gets hurt so long as they are rich. Another teaching of a Christian living is, Christians use the wisdom of God that is pure and with mercy, a Christian doesn't use worldly wisdom, worldly wisdom hurt others to make themselves comfortable and happy, worldly wisdom comes with envying, worldly wisdom comes with strife, worldly wisdom oppress the poor and betray those that trust in you, it is worldly wisdom that makes you convince someone to do business with you with the hope that they will become rich and all along your plan is to take their money and not make them rich, some people call it being smart, such type of smartness should not be among children of God. Children of God have pity on people and don't want to add more to their burdens. May God help us to be practical bible believing Christians and not just Christian by mouth. Amen. 

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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Prosperity Gospel Is Not Gospel Of Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ came to the world to seek those who are lost to bring them back to God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the one that says all who are weak should come to Him, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the one that says those who are thirsty should come to Him and they shall be filled, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel that says all those that labour and are heavy laden should come to Him and He will give them rest. The Gospel of Jesus Christ sets the captives free. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel that feeds the poor, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel that heals the sick. Any Gospel that takes from the poor or needy or sick or oppressed to make themselves rich is not Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is satanic doctrine, it is from the pit of hell. Prosperity Gospel is from hell. Those preaching prosperity Gospel have evil covenant with the devil to turn people's eyes away from the goal which is heaven so they can become double sons of hell than themselves. Once the focus is shifted from going to heaven definitely the focus will be on the material things of the world, that is why this type of Gospel cannot be the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ came from heaven to teach us how we can also get to heaven and He has already gone to prepare a place for us in heaven. So does it mean God wants His children to be poor, no, God is the owner of riches and wealth and He gives His children wealth and riches, but God doesn't want our focus to be on the wealth and riches like the people of the world who are not saved, they can do sinful and inhumane things to get rich quick. God wants our focus to be on how to please God here on earth and from pleasing God get our riches out of the fear of God. Pastors preaching prosperity are just doing it to feed their stomachs by the many lies they preach to make people believe them, any pastor that preach prosperity will seek powers not of God to get money from their congregation and to make them hooked in the church despite being under a heavy load and captive. May God cleanse His church this time by wiping out these false teachers from His altars in Jesus name. Amen. 

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Taking Up Your Cross To Follow Jesus


We thank God for how He has been teaching us through this podcasts channel about the true gospel of Jesus Christ that the pastors nowadays are no longer preaching. Today's topic is another one of Bible's teachings that we are told to encourage ourselves with. Today we are discussing, taking up your cross to follow Jesus. The pastors today are turning church and Christianity to forcing God to do things for you. Yes God told us we should pray and ask things from Him every time, but it is also the teaching of the Bible that we will have times God may want us to suffer for the sake of the gospel, there will be times we have to suffer because we choose to fear God like Joseph who said how can I do this and sin against God when his boss wife asked him to sleep with her, he chose to go to the prison than committing such sin against God. Jesus said if the world hated Him then they will hate us too because servant is not greater than the master. Meaning, there will be times as a content creator that what you do is preaching the gospel of Jesus, in your mind you are doing the right things and so you are expecting much views and subscribers, but it doesn't happen that way because the people love darkness because their works is evil, the light you are shining to them will reveal their wickedness and they don't want it, that's why churches that don't preach salvation have more crowd, because sinners feel comfortable in such gatherings, they can continue in their sinful ways while still claiming to be Christians who go to church and give offerings in church even sow seed to the pastors. The pastors are making people put attention on themselves instead of pointing people's attention to Jesus Christ and to heaven. If you choose to do things right, you won't have large audience from the beginning, it will take some time for God to finally bring the large increase you desire. Because God usually builds a strong foundation before He brings greatness so that one doesn't come down suddenly because of fame or wealth. But people of the world can do anything for sudden fame and wealth not minding building on faulty foundation and that is why they come down badly injured from greatness after a short while of enjoying the wealth and fame. This podcast is encouraging us to choose the way of God, the way of the cross, the narrow way that leads to life eternal. May God help us. It's not easy that's why God is encouraging us with this podcast to keep us in the way of God. 

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The Gospel Of Jesus Is Not For Divination

  Jesus Christ came to seek and save those who are lost. That is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does. It saves us from sin and gives us a n...