Saturday, March 30, 2024

What Is Destiny

 Your destiny is that thing that God wants us to achieve that will be of great help to the weak, those who cannot speak for themselves and the needy. God has path for the fulfillment of our destinies hence why trying to outrun the plan of God for us by wanting something in a sinful or demonic way will take such person out of the path of their destiny. Your background is part of the path of your destiny, those times you didn't have money to study but you choose not to do sinful things are part of the journey to your destiny. God knows about them and He wants to bring out His glory out of such situations.

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God Will Always Come Through


This is an encouragement message to us that no matter how hard it seems right now, God will never let us be put to shame. God will always come through for us before we are put to shame, it is those that want us to be put to shame that will be ashamed in Jesus name. Amen.

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Lusting Is Destructive

 In this podcast God is teaching men to make a covenant with their eyes not to lust after a woman's body. It doesn't have a positive result. It is usually destructive. Love is not lust. Take your time to know a lady an fall in love with the real person she is rather than wanting to sleep with a woman because of her looks and dressing. That is exchanging your destiny for something that doesn't make sense. All these seductive materials are to take men's destiny from them, be wise, stand against it.

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Let No Man Despise Thy Youth

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, the youthful age is the time that devilish people are out there with suggestions to make one sell their great future and destiny for flimsy things that don't last, God is warning us sternly that we should stand against it. God is advising us to give our youthful life to do the things of God because this is how we can live in the shelter of God and He protects us from evils that comes with allowing anyone despise our youthful years.

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Destiny For Sale


In this podcast God is teaching us that, everyone of us has great destiny. Our destiny is those things that God assigned for us when He created us that will help people. Many people have lost this destiny by trying to outrun God's plan for them because they think God is taking too long to bless them financially. But in the reality, God is preparing us for the assignment ahead with the waiting and completely relying on God attitude.

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Dead While Alive

 In this podcast God is teaching us that anyone who gives himself to pleasure is dead while being alive, both man and woman.

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Comparing Themselves With Themselves


In this podcast God is teaching us that one of the reasons people do sinful things to make money or to get wealth and riches is because they are comparing their lives with the lives of their mates or even younger people to them. But bible has made us to know that comparing ourselves with other people is not wise. God has path for our lifting, that is the perfect way we can achieve the greatness God has for us. Another thing is, with the word of God on our hearts, we will never fall for suggestions to sin against God, the word of God mixed with the power of God will always make us to go in the way of escape God has prepared for us from such temptations.

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Making Others Sad To Make Yourself Happy


In this podcast God is teaching us that making people sad to make ourselves happy is not God's plan to bless us. God has His perfect timing and perfect plan to lift us up to achieve greatness in life. We need to be patient with Him so we can have all the blessings that adds no sorrow. Using sinful ways may give wealth but it adds sorrows with it.

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Doing Labourer Job Is Integrity

 In this podcast God is teaching us that we are not doing the wrong thing if we have to labour ourselves before we have money for food or other things that we need, we are just on the right path because that is God's plan for us. God wants us to work and our body should feel it that we are doing something. Often we might find people who don't do anything at all and they have so much than what we that are labouring have, that doesn't mean we are doing anything wrong, we should face the path God has placed us, some people have all the wealth in 20s but because they were using the money carelessly they lost it, by the time they were in their 50s they now started labouring jobs because now they realised that is what would have gotten them to the higher place God has for them as labour has more dignity and integrity than having the money alone and spending it carelessly. But at this age, they can only do little, now they watch their friends who used their younger age to labour and at older age to enjoy the blessings in things they put their labour into.

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Money Rituals Is Bondage

 In this podcast God is teaching us that we should not because we are running from poverty put ourselves in bondage. God is the One that owns wealth and riches and money it is not the devil. God has perfect plans and time to give them to us. If we wait on God to bless us it will not put us in bondage and it will add no sorrow to it. Every challenge we have to pass through before getting God's blessings are things needed to sustain the blessings, that is why God allows them before He blesses us, God doesn't hate us, He wants us to be blessed indeed rather than getting blessed and losing them.

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You Are Not A Failure If You Don't Have Everything In Your 20s


People often think one should have everything before 30, marriage, house, car, money, thriving businesses, financial independence as if life is ending at 30. But this is not being real because the reality is that there is still life after 30, we still have 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, so if you have everything in your 20s don't you imagine how boring life will be in 30s and above. Even in real sense, it is not possible to have everything in 20s, you just left teenage years where you are always instructed on what to do by your parents, you have not spent so many years to know how to make right decisions yet, why then do you think you should have everything at that age. It's not real. You are not a failure, don't listen to the society pressure. You are just on the right path.

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Upon Whom The Ends Of The World Are Come

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, the word of God is written for us so that we don't make the same mistakes those people we are reading about made that made God angry with them. Again God is teaching us that if the people who sinned against God in the past received a just reward for their sins, there is no way we can escape if we are committing sin.

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Think On These Things

 God has given us many instructions and in this podcast He is teaching us how we can be able to do those things He has commanded us to do. How to do them is by filling our thoughts with things that are right, true, of good reports, things that have virtues and have praise. May God help us all. Amen.

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Do Not Let Her Eyes Entice You


This podcast is directed to men. Bible says a man that commits adultery lacks understanding, God is teaching us again so we can have the understanding of the dangers in being careless sexually. Bible advices us to keep the word of God on our hearts because it will keep us away from falling into the temptation of seductive girls that have nothing good to do than to destroy a man's destiny.

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The Wife Of Your Youth

 Today being the women's day celebration, God is asking men to love their wives. God wants you to build life and also grow old with this woman. It was your decision to build family with this woman from the start, nobody pushed you then be with her no matter what. Stop going around like street dog to be distributing your semen all over the town, you have a home, stay at home with your wife to build a conducive home for your kids. 

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A True Pastor Points Your Attention To God Not Himself


Bible says Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith and we should look up to Him always. Only Jesus can tell us what we should do not man. Any pastor who wants people or his followers to continue to serve him without knowing God is not of God, he is serving devil. No man can serve God and mammon that is god of money, any pastor who is always asking you to give money to get blessed by God is a scam, he is serving his master the god of money, they are doing demonic rituals in the secret to make this powers continue to work. Run from them before they mark you as next sacrificial lamb, only in herbalist worship they do consultation and sacrifice to get what they need, don't bring it into the church, everyone's attention to be pointed to how to serve God and how to pray to God from the deep groanings of our hearts not praying from demonic books, demon cannot deliver demons, it's just transfer from a smaller demon to higher demon. Watch out and be saved. Jesus sets free not put someone in bondage, same with the Gospel of Jesus. Jesus always sets people free. Don't put yourself in bondage after God has made you free. 

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Be Honourably Poor

 Many times the reason people do sinful things for money is to avoid humiliations that come with being poor or inability to afford their needs. But there is a curse placed on people who choose to dishonour God to acquire wealth, God says He will give them over to reprobate minds to do things that are not convenient. That is like a spirit from God coming to torment them every time just like in King Saul time. Today God wants us to pass through our times of poverty with our integrity being intact, with our virtues not being tampered with. God has His plans to honour us with wealth that will glorify His name at the perfect time, let us wait for it while honouring God with the fear of God. 

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Christianizing Worldliness


In this podcast God is teaching us that the world and Christianity are two different things that cannot mix. Bible says anyone that loves the world, the love of God is not in him. Jesus also prayed for us that we are not of the world that God should keep us away from the evil of the world, meaning trying to christianize worldliness whereby sinners are made to be comfortable in their sins is a trick of the devil to lead people away from God while they think they are still working for God.

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Having A Blesser And Doing Anything For The Soft Life


This podcast is directed to girls. Whatever you have been through with men is not a reason to keep going deeper into messing your body up with men, you are the planner of your life and God the master planner, you are the one who knows things you want to achieve in life, don't allow any man to brainwash you into becoming his sex slave or ritual materials. The same way a man can make money by doing decent jobs, a woman can do them too. Don't be expecting a large money when you are starting small, something small takes time to grow. You are not a mannequin that only dress up, you are human being with brains to think, don't be after clothes, shoes, bags, makeup and surgery buttocks, be after great things that make you a respectable woman in the society, that your presence gives ovation and applause, a woman people want to listen to because she speaks wisdom.

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Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain

 In this podcast God is teaching us that little is much when God is in it. The meaning of God's blessings is the blessings we have and we have waited on God for this without using easier or sinful methods of the world to acquire this wealth. Going after wealth at all cost gives sorrow but going after God and His commands gives us wealth that allows us to be satisfied with whatever God does for us.

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Heaven Helps Those Who Cannot Help Themselves


In this podcast God is teaching us that, God doesn't help us whenever we are doing things that are ungodly to help ourselves out of any situation we are thinking we will be put to shame. With the promise of God that we will never be put to shame, God will always come through for us in miraculous ways that will make it clear that this is the hand of God that has done it. God helps us when we leave all to Him believing that He will always be our Helper. Bowing down to the devil to help ourselves will only stop us from seeing the wonders God wants to do if we didn't go in the way of the devil.

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Strange Fire On The Altar

 In this podcast God is reminding us His instructions that we should not bring strange fire to the altar of God, God Himself destroyed those who did it in the bible and He still frowns at such evils today.

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Ye Cannot Serve God And Mammon

 In this podcast God is teaching us that we cannot make our preaching to centre around how to make money from people who come under our ministrations and still be doing the assignment God has put in our hands to do. They are opposite to each other. Devouring people's money and properties despite being poor and then praying for them that they will be blessed is not gospel, it is serving mammon, the god of money.

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Hophni And Phineas


In this podcast God is reminding us of people who didn't do right with their calling how God was angry with them and He sent fierce judgements on them. God is letting us know that He will still not overlook anyone who forcefully take offerings from people in the disguise that God says bring offering to the house of God, it is between individual and God, no need to put fear in people's hearts to drop money to make yourself fat and let people go hungry when God has also put you there to feed them when they are hungry. God has plans to feed His ministers, you don't have to be fraudulent in getting money, let God take care of you by Himself. 


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The Goal Is Not To Get Him To Marry You


Many girls nowadays endure so much humiliations with the goal of making a man to propose to them and marry them but in this podcast, we are learning that the goal is more than the wedding, the goal is a happy marriage with peace, mutual respect and a man who is responsible and doesn't go out there jumping on every woman despite being married to you. It never gets better if all you cared for was to push him into marrying you despite knowing that he doesn't treat you with respect. Some ladies think maybe after I get him to marry me he will become responsible, but that has not been the case from experiences of people, the man has remained unchallant despite being married to them. Allow men to grow and decide for themselves that they want to be responsible. It should not be you as a woman who should be fighting other women away from him, choose a man who is not going around with different women, men grow to that stage. Don't be desperate to want a man at all cost, it doesn't get better if he has been treating you with disrespect and you endured, he will think that is how marriage should be. Watch out for the good qualities that will make you happy after the marriage. 

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Rescue The Perishing

 The message of the gospel is to rescue the perishing from sin and the judgement of death that comes with sin. In this podcast God is teaching us that we should do this work by our patience, loving hearts, care to the weak and people who are in need. The gospel doesn't take from the weak to make themselves fat, we should not be like the false preachers who are constantly billing the congregation to make themselves fat and calling it God's blessings, God says He didn't send them. The plan of God is to bless His workers by Himself not them using fraudulent means to collect money from the church.

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As A Single Don't Allow The Thought Of Sex In Your Head


This is a higher calling God required of me some years ago which He eventually helped me to achieve which He has also given me the grace to teach that God can help us to achieve it. God wants us to flee all appearances of evil, having thoughts of sex in our head when we are not ready for it might lead us into sexual sin. But there is grace to keep us pure in our thoughts. This comes from meditating on the things of God, those things that are pure, those things that are edifying, and filling our daily activities with things that make us closer to God. May God help us all. Amen. 

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The True Gospel

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, the true gospel is to feed the poor, clothe those who are naked, house those who are homeless. What many preachers are doing today by asking people to donate money to do big crusades, build churches, build schools while lots of people in the church cannot even afford daily meal, that is not the real gospel. God wants us to know by reminding us again with some bible verses. And also to ask for grace to stand with God even if the people we are looking up to are doing contrary to the true assignment God has given us which is binding the wounds of the broken hearted instead of making people leave each service feeling like they are worthless before God because the pastor made it look like it is by giving God this money that made them acceptable before God. God says, He doesn't want those money. But we should go back to the true gospel of helping the needy. That is the true gospel. 

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Friday, March 29, 2024

Their Strength Shall Be Renewed


Today God is encouraging us that when we wait on Him, we will not lose anything. God will restore our years, God will recover all for us and God will lift us up to our place of glory and greatness so much that it will swallow the times we were waiting and suffering for a while. 

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Your Path Is Different


In this podcast God wants us to know that instead of comparing our lives with that of our mates, we should rather check the paths God has put us and see the difference between us and those we want to compare ourselves with. God knows how to lift us to the top according to His divine plans,don't condemn yourself that you are not doing well yet.

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How to maintain integrity when difficult

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They That Wait Upon The Lord


In this podcast God is teaching us that waiting upon the Lord is the best thing for us to do. Because we will have the best plans of God for our lives, it is also good to wait on God because it stops us from being involved in unnecessary running around or travailing which weakens someone fast. The blessings of God lets us flourish even till old age because we didn't use our youthful age to run out of the plans of God for our lives.

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The Stone The Builders Rejected

 God wants us to know that many times chosen ones are the ones that will have to go through the difficult situations and become victorious so that they can help other people coming after to live their lives without difficulty. One of the challenges of the chosen ones is rejection. Because you have not reached the goal yet, people will look down on you thinking you are odd and don't belong to their group but this should not make us to join them or lower the standard. Always remember, there is a higher person somewhere that will recognise the greatness in you eventually and you will fit perfectly because you have maintained your integrity as greatness needs integrity. 

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In The Fire, God Will Be With You


It is not that anyone by himself or herself intentionally walk into the fire, but if you will rather stand for God than bow down to the devil or sin against God to get out of some difficult situations, the time you are going through the difficult times is like passing through the fire and God has given His promise that He will be with us in the fire. We will come out safely as if we didn't pass through it at all. People might say we are not wise by not using worldly wisdom which is contrary to God's will to help ourselves out of the situation, but I put it to you today that we have nothing to lose if our reason for rejecting anything is because we fear God. God will be with us in the situation, and He will bring us out safely to greatness and perfect will of God for us like we see in the life of Joseph who refused the method of sleeping with his boss wife to get freedom, even though he passed through the fire of being in the prison for sin he didn't commit, God brought him out eventually to the perfect will of God for his freedom and greatness. Check my books on amazon 



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Phone Sex, An Abomination In The Eyes Of God


In this podcast God is teaching us that there is no two ways about it, phone sex is an abomination in the eyes of God. We cannot christianize it by saying, but it is with my husband or wife or fiance that we are about to get married soon, it's not God's way for sex, this is one of the cunning plans of the devil to make people an abomination before God yet they are still claiming righteous when God is far away from them. 

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Lovest Me More Than All These Things


I this podcast, God is teaching us that He wants His love in our hearts not because of money, fame, wealth, riches, but because the love of God that is in our hearts when we got saved. Job was an example of a man who loved God more than all these things of the world? May God us. Amen. 

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Isaac's Offering


While we as upcoming ministers of God keep trusting God for wealth and abundance and also seeing the old pastors who are rich how they are getting their riches by sweet talking their poor congregation to give all their wealth, God says His own way of making us rich is through the abundance of the sea. That is from people who are rich already not by oppressing the poor. God didn't send these old pastors the lies they are selling. 

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Tell It To Jesus He Will Hear


Today God is teaching us to pray until we receive. Prayer works. That is our ticket to God directly and God has lots of promises in the bible that He will answer us if we pray. May God give us the spirit of prayers. Amen. 

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Fig Tree

 God is teaching us in this podcast that even if things are not going well yet, God will never allow His children to be put to shame. God will always come through for those who put their trust in Him and decided not to bow to the devil to escape difficult situations. 

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The Righteous Riseth Seven Times


In this podcast God is teaching us that if our reason for being poor is because we will not sin against God, we will always rise above the challenge. There is beauty in when the devil comes to check if we have his belongings and he found nothing that belongs to him in us. 

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Bowing Down To The Devil To Get Wealth

 In this podcast God is teaching us that, Jesus Christ experienced everything we experience in life as human beings and also showed us how to overcome temptations through His life. Jesus was hungry, we also will get to situations we will be hungry despite doing the things of God, Jesus didn't turn stone to bread, He told devil that there is more to living than food, doing the will of God should always come first in our decisions. Again when Jesus was tempted to bow to the devil to get wealth, He told him, we should only bow to God alone. This is also example for us on how to overcome those temptations when people are flaunting wealth around us and devil is suggesting doing sinful things to have them, Jesus told the devil, I will not serve devil and God together, I will only worship God. This is how God wants us to behave too in those situations of the temptations, we should let God be the only One we bow to, let God be the only One we reference and listen to, any wealth that will take Holy spirit away from us is not God's will for us. And the good part of this is, after we have overcome the temptations, God sends angels to minister to us which we will not have experienced if we listened to the devil. 

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Feed My Sheep


In this podcast God is teaching us that, the reason for calling anyone into preaching the gospel either as pastor or as prophet or as minsters through songs, drama is to feed the sheep, God knows how to take care of our needs by Himself. Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep and lambs, and when he has become strengthened, he should strengthen others too. God wants us to strengthen others, let the pursuit for fame and wealth not take away the divine assignment from us. God will take care of us by His divine provision. 

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Prayer For Men To Be Good Husband And Father


We have humbled ourselves as men under the instructions of God and cried out that we want to be men who will fulfill God's purpose for our lives by not being careless with our sexual lives. We have asked for power to stand in all situations for the truth of the word of God, we have prayed also for grace to be loving and caring husbands and fathers. 

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Heavy Tidings

 This is a message of judgement. But where there is judgement, the mercy of God is there too. God is calling out everyone who received the grace of lifting from God but because of the things of the world has turned back from God, God wants you to return back to him because He has sent out his judgement. Today is the day of salvation, Jesus will receive you and give you freedom from the bondage of satan. 

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How Fornication Ruins Marriage

 The devil doesn't like you, he doesn't want the best for you, it is God that wants the best for us. The devil tricks to make people have premarital sex or already doing wife duties for a man that they are not married to is a plan of the devil to ruin the marriage later. This causes slavery and inability to be fully committed in the marriage. That is what causes the foundation of problems in a lot of marriages. God's plan is be ready for marriage, do the wedding then start enjoying the benefits of the marriage. You don't need to force the benefits before the wedding commitments because it's like stolen food at that stage which always turn to gravel in the mouth. 

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How Men Can Avoid Jezebel


A man of great destiny like king lemuel in Proverbs 31 should not marry a destiny destroyer woman, he should marry a destiny builder woman. Since nowadays the spirit of seduction is very loud, how to avoid it is to be alert spiritually and also be conscious that you have a destiny to protect, with this, the holy Spirit will take over and you won't fall into the trap of Jezebel. 

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First Borns

 In the bible God says the first borns belong to Him, God's eyes is on the first borns, God has given every first borns the power to create and power to overcome difficult situations that other people may never be able to overcome that is why God wants first borns to maintain integrity always so they can be able to fulfill the plans of God for them. Every one who also care about their destinies can also cultivate this integrity maintaining attitude too. The path may be rough, it is to build us for the greatness ahead and to maintain the great height God is taking us to. Being at the top needs more power, it is going through situations with integrity that builds the strength, nobody gets it by avoiding the situations that builds it or by always looking for short cut road to achieve greatness. 

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Judgement Day


The Lord says He will never allow the rod of the wicked to fall on the righteous meaning on the day of God sending His judgement God will always be a righteous Judge. God sees the secret sins and knows those things we are hiding even though we are still trying to claim that we are Christians. Bible says he that is born of God does not commit sin, if there is any sin you are struggling with in the secret God wants us to come to Him and confess it so He can forgive us not for us to try to cover it because the day God visit with His judgement He will not spare the punishment for the sins we refused to let Him remove. 

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Prayer For God Approved Marriage


It is a time to have a little talk with God that has been talking to us about things He wants us to do. We as Israelites are saying, o God, all that You want us to do is what we will do.


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Kingdom Marriage


In this podcast, God is teaching us that we cannot as children of God choose our marriage partners like the worldly people do. The world have their standards for picking wife or marriage partner, but we as children of God, our reasons must be to do the will of God together in expanding the kingdom of God here on earth.

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Chosen Ones


In this podcast God is teaching us that as Chosen ones, things doesn't have to be easy at the beginning, but it is part of the journey. And the beauty of it is, God will never leave us to it alone, He will always send angels to help us and Holy spirit to comfort us. 

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The Gospel Of Jesus Is Not For Divination

  Jesus Christ came to seek and save those who are lost. That is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does. It saves us from sin and gives us a n...