To The Sinners God Gives Travail

 This discussion is from the Bible

Ecclesiastes 2:26


“For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.”

King James Version (KJV)

Bible says God gives travail to the sinners. According to the dictionary, travail means painful and laborious efforts. We see it how sinners who choose not to fear God in how they want to make money go through painful efforts and very tedious hard labours to make money, God also adds another curse and clause to it that the sinner keeps gathering the wealth and riches and they are becoming heaps only for him or her to eventually give them all to those who have the fear of God in however they want to make money. Those people who don't need to travail under tedious and painful laborious efforts to make money, they don't do anything at all cost, not that they are lazy , but the fear of God in them has made them to wait on God for riches and wealth that honours the name of God. 

Truly, it is painful and downgrading if you don't have money. But the pain of getting money without the fear of God is more than the pain of being poor because you fear God. Your friends will not tell you 😅have you ever wondered why they always go to club and drink heavily, or even smoke hard things, that is the torment they go through that is hurting them they are trying to use spending lavishly in clubs, drinking heavily and smoking hard things to calm it down but it doesn't work because it is judgement from God on anyone who will not accept God in their knowledge. Those who will turn the truth of the word of God to false, it's in Romans chapter 1, Bible says after they see all the wonders of God through His creation they still argued that there is no God, you don't need to say it with your mouth that there is no God before you are actually saying there is no God, when you know the things that God says He wants us to do to show we fear Him and you choose to ignore them to do those things that vex God, you are directly saying there is no God and you don't need to fear Him. God placed a curse to give them over to reprobate minds to do those things that are not convenient. That is those people who choose to call the truth in the word of God as false. 

That is the reason they are always tormented, some it is guilt that torments them, some it is regrets, some it is physical pains, some even harm themselves just to feel better from the torments. Bible talks about spirit coming from God to torment Saul the king when he left God and started serving sorcerers. So don't think it's not possible for God to torment people, it's possible. If you choose not to fear God, the humiliation you will face will be worse than the humiliation you will face if you fear God and you are poor. 

There are lots of examples to boost this point but let me use two examples, first is men who want to belong in the society and they are made to join a cult where they will be given money but then they will be sexually molested by their fellow men members in the club, you see them coming out spending money lavishly but they are dealing with humiliations every time. Another example is girls who because they don't want to be poor are turned to sex slaves, they are made to do all sorts of humiliating things with these men some sleep with dogs, some eat faeces, sometimes several men have to sleep with a lady on turns without stopping till she becomes exhausted, so if you are the type who is honourably poor as in proudly poor in your house😅 no man is harassing you sexually, no man is urinating in your mouth to give you money, the only thing is your landlord will come and ask for his money and God will still show up and don't put you to shame, don't you think that is much better. Ladies who go through such humiliations for money say they don't even have self worth anymore, they feel like they don't worth anything. So why don't you let us wait on God together for His perfect blessings that will not add sorrows. The list of examples is much but I leave everyone of us to the Holy Spirit to speak to us. Let us leave the judgement of God that we are facing because we are doing things that are not pleasing to God for money. God will take care of us and He will definitely open doors of blessings and abundance for us at His perfect time. 

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