Jesus Wants Us To Love Him More Than Wealth, Riches Or Money

 Today God is reminding us of what Jesus asked Peter after His resurrection, loveth me more than all these things? It's usually hard when we see our mates or equals doing great things with money while we are just there waiting on God to remember us because we don't want to dishonour God by sinning against God to have wealth. Then the question comes to our minds, does God truly bless His people, does God calls us to just live in poverty and penury in this world because we will not do what others are doing to acquire riches. Today God wants us to know that it is His will to bless us and we should also know that never will those that trust in God be forsaken nor will they beg for bread. There are several portions of the Bible that talks about the promises of God to bless us, including Deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 1 to 14. These verses of the Bible tells us that God will bless us if we do the will of God, all God's blessings will follow us. So let this remove any confusion or doubt of if those who are obeying God's commandments are never meant to be rich in this world. It is not true. The only thing is there is difference between how God blesses and how devil gives wealth and riches, the blessings of God adds no sorrows to it but Satan gives people who get wealth from him sorrows. And he wants everyone to be in sorrows and also lose the plans of God for their lives, that is why he allows these people to flaunt these wealth so much that it takes the grace of God not to get influenced into such means of quick wealth. That is why words of encouragement like this is coming to us, to tell us that it is the will of our father in heaven to make us great. God is working it out. Any means of wealth that suggests bowing down to the devil to get it or sinful means, they are surely not from God. Wait for the riches you won't have to scam or deceive people to get it, wait for the wealth that supports the fear of God. It will come. 

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