God's Love For His Children

 It is easy to forget that God loves us because of whatever we are going through at any particular time, today God is telling us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. This Psalm 23 is a psalm of David, a man who was once a shepherd in the wilderness, he saw how he cared for the sheep and he see that is the same way God cares for us to as His children. Many times we want something and God sees this is not going to give us an expected end, God doesn't allow us to get it, it is still God's love for us, God knows the green pastures, He leads us there. If someone had told Lot that Sodom and Gomorrah is a fake green pastures that will soon be destroyed, he would have doubted it because his physical eyes was seeing green pastures. Today God wants to encourage us that He loves us, don't use another method that is against the will of God or that doesn't have the fear of God to fix anything for yourself. If God chooses not to give it to you then it is out of His love to protect you. God also leads His children to the path of righteousness. God knows where our faith can be built in Him so we can fulfill His purpose for our lives. God will not lead us to the path that will make us fall into sin. Let us trust His leadings, He knows more than us. Another thing God does for us is to prepare a table of greatness for us in the presence of those who once looked down on us and thought we are nothing. God has not finished with you yet, He is working the best out that will give us the perfect things we need that God will be glorified.

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