Thursday, February 29, 2024

They Are Serving Their Own Belly


Today again we are taking our discussion from the Bible. 

17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

This passage is also one of the true gospel teachings being preached by Apostle Paul to warn us against pastors, preachers and so called men of God who all they preach about is to feed their belly and make themselves fat while the church members are getting poorer. 

Jesus at the beginning of His ministry He declared that the Spirit of God is upon Him to break chains of those who are bound, to comfort those who are weeping or mourning, to give hope to the hopeless, to take heavy burden off those who are oppressed. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Anyone claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ must do likewise. To see poor people being helped into prosperity should be what is on your mind, to comfort the comfortless should be your mission, to take heavy burden off those who are burdened should be what you always do. Anything different from this you are doing things wrong. This write up is both for ministers doing it to have a change of heart and for the church members and Christians to mark such gatherings and avoid them. 

Paul the apostle says these people are just claiming to belong to Jesus by their titles and mouth but they are not serving Jesus Christ, Jesus didn't send them this message, they are doing it for their belly. 

After Jesus Christ resurrected and Peter and other apostles went back to fishing, Jesus went to them one night at the sea side and prepared meal for them then Jesus asked Peter, do you love me more than all these things, meaning do you love the foods and provision I gave to you more than you love Me Jesus and my teachings, then Peter said He truly love Jesus, Jesus asked this question three times and Peter kept replying that he indeed love Jesus, then Jesus commanded him to feed His sheep, the sheep are those who come innocently to the church to listen to the word of truth and to get the life and power that comes from the true gospel of Jesus Christ but only for them to get to the church and their burdens are made heavier. People going to such churches go with their sins and return back to their homes with their sins, they come to the church depressed, they leave the church depressed, some of these churches even invite so called gospel singers to the church but if you are not doing the will of God as a gospel minister, your singing will only be an entertainment, they make people to dance but the power of God for changing lives is not in their ministrations. The dances and songs don't take depression away, it is the true word of God that has life. 

God wants us to avoid such preachers who are only after their belly, stay away from such gatherings, they corrupt and they also add burdens on people. Before you get trapped in their snare, and you become their prey. Run now and look for gatherings that only preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ. It might be a small gathering but every meeting will be a blessing and it will give joy and power to face the outside world encouraged and without falling into sin. 

You can listen more by watching the video below

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Wolves In Sheep Clothing

 Today our discussion is from the Bible

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

This passage is one of Jesus teachings and it is one of the true Gospel teachings He wants us to continue preaching and living according to the teachings so we don't get mixed up with mixed multitudes that is those claiming to be Christians with their mouth but their heart is completely far away from God. Mathew chapter 7 started with several of Jesus teachings that we can hold on to because they are the word of God that can keep us from evil in this sinful world. 

From verse 15 Jesus started admonishing us to beware of false prophets, that is we should take note, we should not assume everyone who is calling the name of Jesus is a true prophet, the other verses from verse 16 started explaining how we will recognize them, one of how to recognize them is their fruits. A good fruit cannot bear bad fruits, if the prophet fruits is the one that is against the true salvation of Jesus or his way of life is sinful and he is still claiming to be prophet of God, just know he is false prophet. 

One of the reasons Jesus is asking us to be aware of them is so we don't fall into their traps, so we don't become their prey. Because they are wolves and they mean no good for the sheep, they want to devour the sheep. Their purpose is to milk their congregation dry, they want to put heavy loads on their followers while making themselves rich. They are the ones who ask their congregation to bring all their salaries to them as seed and lie that it will multiply ten times tomorrow, the word of God on giving to the house of God is tithe which is tenth of what we have earned. And for every offering, it should be given according to our earnings. In Jesus times, if someone does not have enough money for child dedication they can buy small bird, but if they are rich and can afford it, they can bring any big animal of their choice like ram. That is the teaching of Jesus, but false prophets today will ask those who don't have money to sell their properties to fund the church but in reality it is the pastor that is taking the money then they come to the church and start bragging about their wealth as if it was not the poor who they scammed to collect money from. That is a hard labour on the innocent sheep Jesus said to Peter to feed, every service is to make people feel as if they are not enough or they are not doing enough to be successful in life and so they keep going back home to look for what else to sell in order to give to their pastors so they can have those things the pastor is lying to them that he got, some even lie that they got rich by giving to make the congregation continue to give earnings from their hard labour. 

Many people are trapped. Those who do these things are not doing it freely, they are using some powers not of God to put their members in this satanic captivity so much that they can't get free from it easily. But the word of God is telling us to avoid them from afar, don't even go near them so they don't put you in their net and put their teeth on you till they suck your blood dry. Many of them even use their members for ritual sacrifice, many of the members have become poor after selling all they have to give to the pastors. Take heed today. I pray anyone who reads this and is trapped will be delivered by the hand of God. Always check every teachings from any so called man of God with the teachings of Jesus, if it doesn't match, run from the start, don't wait to get trapped and devoured. 

You can listen more by watching the video below

Monday, February 26, 2024

Flee Sexual Immortality


Today our discussion will be coming from the Bible, the word of God that keeps us from errors. 

18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

The instruction of God in the above passage of the bible is clear, God simply wants us to flee, no need to start checking it out, no need to wait for it to get to the last minute of seduction, don't even get yourself into places where sexual immortality is seen as normal just flee, don't be in an alone place with the opposite sex in such a way that it will lead to sexual immortality, avoid such dark places, flee, don't let your relationship with the person you are not yet married to be based on physical activities or calls and messages that put both of you in mood of you want to have sex, flee. There is no two ways to it, just flee. Once you notice the end result of what you are approaching is sex, don't start it, stay away from it. That is how to flee. 

Someone may want to ask, why do I need to flee from everything and everyone, don't I deserve to have experience of what my mates are doing, am I supposed to be lonely and boring. Don't get yourself too worried, let's move on to the next verse of the passage, holy spirit will answer all the questions. 

The verse 19 says, the reason God wants us to flee is because our bodies is His temple God wants to dwell in us, verse 18 also says one of the reasons God wants us to flee is because sexual immortality is sin against our own bodies, we are disrespecting ourselves by our own selves when we commit fornication, God created sex to be the most intimate gift we give to our marital partner which no one else should have access to, but when you are sharing this most intimate gift with anyone and everyone it is like saying you have no regards for your body, that is why most people who do it are never truly happy, some have to take harmful things to their bodies to make themselves insane many times to avoid the effect of the guilt coming to them every time. 

God went further in the next verse to say, we should glorify God in our bodies. It's not just in words, lots of people today can say I love You Jesus 1000times in a day😂I have met them before, but their behaviour is far from anything Jesus commanded, God talks about such people in the Bible, with their lips they honour me but their hearts is far from me. This is also talking about some modern churches today whose choir are fornicators, they are worshipping God with their mouths but they are far from God in their hearts, God does not regard such worship, God wants whenever we are worshipping He can come to dwell in us and with us but His eyes doesn't behold iniquity, God stays away from people who are filled with immortality, the only time God listens to them is when they come for repentance. 

Another part of the bible passage says, we have been bought with a price, we are not of ourselves, this is addressing those who have been saved, the blood of Jesus is the price that bought us from sin into a life in Christ, we can't live our lives anyhow. Our words, deeds, thoughts must be to please God not the flesh. May God help us. Amen

You can listen more in the video below

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sex Is Sacred


Contrary to what most people believe nowadays that sex is physical activity and they don't mind who they give their bodies to at any time, most people don't even see anything wrong in having several sexual partners, I am here to tell you today that all these school of thought is very wrong and demonic. 

God is so very much interested in who we join our bodies with in sexual intimacy, God says our bodies is His temple, He wants to dwell in us, He wants to use us for His glory. God can't come down to us physically but when we make our bodies pure for Him He can dwell in us. This is the reason you see a lot of people who are involved in sexual intimacy with different partners being depressed and unable to make themselves happy no matter what they do to try to be happy, they are also filled with anxiety too, little things becomes aggravated before them as if the whole world wants to fall on them😂 sorry for the laugh. This is due to the fact that the Person who can give them peace even in turbulent situation they are doing things that makes Him stay away from them. 

I remember when there was war in Ukraine, most foreigners ran away from the country without even seeing what was pursuing them😂 I stayed back and I have peace all around me, a peace that flows from within, a peace that occurrence outside cannot affect it. Sometimes I wonder why I have become so peaceful at such time and even many times of my life when everything around is rough and God says because You allow the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ to dwell within you. 

This is another call for everyone to say God I want you to dwell within me and give me your peace even in turbulence. 

You can listen more by watching the video below

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Church Is A Place We Learn How To Be Able To Stand On Our Own


Contrary to the false teachings of the new age pastors we have today that they want members of their church to serve them like their god and see them as their father who should always control their affairs and tell them everything they should do, the gospel of Jesus Christ wants us all to go out there to evangelize Jesus Christ and not our pastors. Bible says Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith, meaning everything we should know about our faith is all in Jesus Christ, no one else should teach us something different, better still, we should not accept any other teachings that Jesus Christ never taught us. 

The instruction of Jesus was, go ye into the world and preach the gospel to all nations. The work of pastor or minister of the gospel is so delicate because any shift from the real instructions of Jesus Christ, we will be finding ourselves in the group of false prophets. God expects that anyone who is a pastor over His people or sheep, should teach them how to receive power to go out and continue to propagate the gospel even in our little corners. 

The new pastors and prophets today that don't want their followers to go out but rather remain with them serving them are only preaching this false teaching for their selfish gains. Many of them serve money. 

The reason for this topic is to remind us of God's gospel teaching again, because any congregation the true gospel is manipulated to satisfy their gains, they will put heavy load on the members and trap them into servitude and preying on them by collecting their money from them and milking them dry with all sort of lies to defraud them of this money. Once we are able to recognize the true teaching of Jesus, we will be able to know the church or pastor who is not preaching the truth and run. 

You can listen more by watching the video in the link below

Friday, February 23, 2024

Wait For People Who Honour Your Virtues To Bless You

 In our days, young people are being pushed to make quick wealth due to peer pressures and comparing yourself to your other mates who come from wealthy homes and so they don't need to do so much hard work before they get the riches, good positions and comfortable life you are dreaming of. This has caused lots of youths to do anything for the money just to meet up with their mates. Some men go into gayism, some go into fraud, some go into stealing, some go into devilish rituals just to get rich quick and not feel behind among their mates. At other times, some are offered jobs but they need to do some sinful things to keep this jobs, like sleeping with clients to get them to deposit or invest in their company or banks, some sleep with the boss to get the jobs and keep the jobs. 

The word of God is coming out to us today that we should reject such demonic offers. We should reject any offer that looks promising but our virtues will be taken away from us. Those jobs that you do sinful things to keep the jobs, no wonder you are always drained at the jobs, because they are using your soul to make the company work, and there is no way they can get to your soul if you don't sin, and no wonder whenever they relieve you of the jobs eventually, you feel lost, wasted, as if you are nothing and it's like you are starting your life from the beginning again. As if you never worked before all your life. 

So today God is saying, come out from among them and be separate. God has plans for us, don't lose your virtues in exchange for an easy life. God will send helpers who will allow us to keep our virtues and they will also help us to greatness. Such helps don't drain us, they don't add sorrows, they don't reduce from us even when those people leave us, they continue to add to us and our greatness. 

You can listen more on YouTube using the link below

The Gospel Of Jesus Is Not For Divination

  Jesus Christ came to seek and save those who are lost. That is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does. It saves us from sin and gives us a n...