They Are Serving Their Own Belly


Today again we are taking our discussion from the Bible. 

17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

This passage is also one of the true gospel teachings being preached by Apostle Paul to warn us against pastors, preachers and so called men of God who all they preach about is to feed their belly and make themselves fat while the church members are getting poorer. 

Jesus at the beginning of His ministry He declared that the Spirit of God is upon Him to break chains of those who are bound, to comfort those who are weeping or mourning, to give hope to the hopeless, to take heavy burden off those who are oppressed. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Anyone claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ must do likewise. To see poor people being helped into prosperity should be what is on your mind, to comfort the comfortless should be your mission, to take heavy burden off those who are burdened should be what you always do. Anything different from this you are doing things wrong. This write up is both for ministers doing it to have a change of heart and for the church members and Christians to mark such gatherings and avoid them. 

Paul the apostle says these people are just claiming to belong to Jesus by their titles and mouth but they are not serving Jesus Christ, Jesus didn't send them this message, they are doing it for their belly. 

After Jesus Christ resurrected and Peter and other apostles went back to fishing, Jesus went to them one night at the sea side and prepared meal for them then Jesus asked Peter, do you love me more than all these things, meaning do you love the foods and provision I gave to you more than you love Me Jesus and my teachings, then Peter said He truly love Jesus, Jesus asked this question three times and Peter kept replying that he indeed love Jesus, then Jesus commanded him to feed His sheep, the sheep are those who come innocently to the church to listen to the word of truth and to get the life and power that comes from the true gospel of Jesus Christ but only for them to get to the church and their burdens are made heavier. People going to such churches go with their sins and return back to their homes with their sins, they come to the church depressed, they leave the church depressed, some of these churches even invite so called gospel singers to the church but if you are not doing the will of God as a gospel minister, your singing will only be an entertainment, they make people to dance but the power of God for changing lives is not in their ministrations. The dances and songs don't take depression away, it is the true word of God that has life. 

God wants us to avoid such preachers who are only after their belly, stay away from such gatherings, they corrupt and they also add burdens on people. Before you get trapped in their snare, and you become their prey. Run now and look for gatherings that only preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ. It might be a small gathering but every meeting will be a blessing and it will give joy and power to face the outside world encouraged and without falling into sin. 

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