Sex Is Sacred


Contrary to what most people believe nowadays that sex is physical activity and they don't mind who they give their bodies to at any time, most people don't even see anything wrong in having several sexual partners, I am here to tell you today that all these school of thought is very wrong and demonic. 

God is so very much interested in who we join our bodies with in sexual intimacy, God says our bodies is His temple, He wants to dwell in us, He wants to use us for His glory. God can't come down to us physically but when we make our bodies pure for Him He can dwell in us. This is the reason you see a lot of people who are involved in sexual intimacy with different partners being depressed and unable to make themselves happy no matter what they do to try to be happy, they are also filled with anxiety too, little things becomes aggravated before them as if the whole world wants to fall on them😂 sorry for the laugh. This is due to the fact that the Person who can give them peace even in turbulent situation they are doing things that makes Him stay away from them. 

I remember when there was war in Ukraine, most foreigners ran away from the country without even seeing what was pursuing them😂 I stayed back and I have peace all around me, a peace that flows from within, a peace that occurrence outside cannot affect it. Sometimes I wonder why I have become so peaceful at such time and even many times of my life when everything around is rough and God says because You allow the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ to dwell within you. 

This is another call for everyone to say God I want you to dwell within me and give me your peace even in turbulence. 

You can listen more by watching the video below
