Wait For People Who Honour Your Virtues To Bless You

 In our days, young people are being pushed to make quick wealth due to peer pressures and comparing yourself to your other mates who come from wealthy homes and so they don't need to do so much hard work before they get the riches, good positions and comfortable life you are dreaming of. This has caused lots of youths to do anything for the money just to meet up with their mates. Some men go into gayism, some go into fraud, some go into stealing, some go into devilish rituals just to get rich quick and not feel behind among their mates. At other times, some are offered jobs but they need to do some sinful things to keep this jobs, like sleeping with clients to get them to deposit or invest in their company or banks, some sleep with the boss to get the jobs and keep the jobs. 

The word of God is coming out to us today that we should reject such demonic offers. We should reject any offer that looks promising but our virtues will be taken away from us. Those jobs that you do sinful things to keep the jobs, no wonder you are always drained at the jobs, because they are using your soul to make the company work, and there is no way they can get to your soul if you don't sin, and no wonder whenever they relieve you of the jobs eventually, you feel lost, wasted, as if you are nothing and it's like you are starting your life from the beginning again. As if you never worked before all your life. 

So today God is saying, come out from among them and be separate. God has plans for us, don't lose your virtues in exchange for an easy life. God will send helpers who will allow us to keep our virtues and they will also help us to greatness. Such helps don't drain us, they don't add sorrows, they don't reduce from us even when those people leave us, they continue to add to us and our greatness. 

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