Building Treasures In Heaven


19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Contrary to what the end time pastors and prophets are preaching today that while sponsoring their projects you are building treasures in heaven, this is not true. Not that we should not give to men of God, but God's way of us giving is from a cheerful heart, that is giving not because someone is scamming you that if you give an amount by tomorrow it would have been multiplied in your hands, that is not Jesus teachings, that is teaching of false teachers, that is the way of the world, that is how fraudsters do, it should not come to the house of God, that is a strange fire on the altar of God, and God will never spare anyone trying to defile His temple by bringing strange fire there. God's eyes is cruel to pastors who ask members to bring all their salary to sow seed in the church calling it first fruit offerings, or some who say they are using the money to tap into anointing of the pastor or a blessing the pastor received, these are all deceitful ways fraudsters make their money, it should not come inside the holy of holies of God. God's eyes is always there and He won't spare anyone trying to defile it just for their selfish gains. 

How we lay up treasures in heaven is by helping the poor in needs, giving food to those who need it, giving shelter to those who need it, visiting those who needs comfort at the time they are discouraged or down. 

Many of these pastors don't even care if these people bringing money are saved or not, meaning they are not even caring about their souls being lost, they are just after the money they will give them. They are not working for God. Run from such gatherings and start building your treasures in heaven from today, first by seeking God's kingdom first which is salvation of your soul by the blood of Jesus then after that doing the things God place on your heart to do for people who need it not sponsoring the scammers calling themselves pastors telling you that you are building your treasures in heaven by sponsoring their expensive lifestyle, it's not true. They are laying treasures on earth, don't be a part of it. Run! 

You can listen more in the video below
