Jesus Will Give You Rest


This discussion is from the Bible, it is one of the teachings of Jesus Christ. 

Matthew 11:28-30 KJV

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Only Jesus can give the peace and rest our hearts are always yearning for. Lots of people try to find peace and rest in alcohol, some in cigarettes, some in clubbing, some in money and spending lavishly. But they don't give the real peace that our soul is searching for. Because there is a space God placed in everyone's heart that only God can fill. And we can't get to God except through Jesus Christ by His blood He shed for the remission of our sins and bringing us back to the Father through the experience of salvation. 

When Adam sinned, the soul of men died, contrary to what the serpent told Eve and made her to believe that men will not die if they sin against God. Anyone who is sinning against God is dead while alive. Meaning such person is living without directions, that is why most people who do bad things go into depression. Because it was a curse on them from God to make anyone who choose to disobey God to do inconvenient things, God gives such people over to reprobate minds. They will be doing things injurious to their health but they can't help themselves to stop because they have not accepted the knowledge of God in their minds. 

Today is another day to make you see the way out of those unrestfulness you have been battling with. Satan gives anyone doing his will heavy load, but Jesus says His load is easy and His burden is light and He will give us rest. Don't look elsewhere anymore, the joy you are looking for is not in fornicating with different women, it is in Jesus. 

Call on Jesus today to come into your heart, tell Him you will do His will and not Satan's will from hence forth. Tell Him to give you the peace He gives people, He promise He will never forsake anyone who comes to Him for repentance, He will not forsake you too. God will come into your heart and dwell with you and be your Lord and Saviour if you sincerely pray this prayer. Pray until the Holy Spirit confirms with your spirit that you are now a child of God. And that is how your walk with God starts, because the Holy Spirit speaking with you is the difference between someone battling with sin and a child of God because, as many as are led by God they are the children of God. Today is the day of salvation, make no delay. 

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