Friday, March 22, 2024

The Labourers Are Few


Jesus is calling everyone to come and work for Him, the world is filled with darkness, Jesus wants us to shine our light to the dark world and give light to people. The steps are simple, first confess your sins, tell God you will not go back to them again, this will lead to the experience of salvation by the Holy Spirit confirming with our spirit that we are children of God, next is experience of sanctification, which is applying the blood of Jesus Christ the second time to uproot the root of sin from our hearts, after that we can now pray for the in filling of the Holy Spirit, which gives the power for the service God is calling us to. A lot of people are being tormented by sin daily and many are going to hell daily, God wants us to start preaching the true gospel to counter the false teachings of the false prophets today, which will also deliver people from destruction. God has rewards for working for Him, so don't think maybe God will allow us suffer, He will not. Even though it is volunteer job as God doesn't want us to merchandise it, but yet God will surely take care of all our needs and He will give us the popularity the worldly people are looking for by doing wrong things, even money belongs to God, God will give us money too and wealth and much more. Amen. 

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