Valentines Day


This topic to enlighten us about the plans of the devil for this day and how to avoid it as children of God who wants to do the will of God in this world. 

Valentines day is just a normal day like every other day but some people has separated that day as day to celebrate love. But looking at the reality of what people are celebrating on this day, people are celebrating immorality, people are celebrating fornication, people are celebrating adultery and all manner of bad behaviours that is because the kingdom of darkness mark that day to be a day many glorious people lose their great glory by involving in sexual sins as the environment is polluted with the spirit of immorality on that day. 

So as children of God that God has called out of this world what are we supposed to do or how are we to overcome the spirit of immorality moving round that day to corrupt even the innocent kids just growing up. First of all, we are told in the Bible that we should not be ignorant of the devices of the devil. First know that all the publicity and things people do on that day is not celebrating love. What is love? I have discussed what is love in past topics, God is love, sexual sin is not love, everything showing selflessness and empathy, feeling other people's pains and finding a way to be of help, that is love. Bible has also told us characteristics of love in 1Corinthians 13:1-10, but what we notice people are doing on that day is not out of selflessness, they are all things to make them unnecessarily sexually aroused to sleep with each other at the end of the day. For married couples it may be acceptable, in fact in marriage, sex is not an act of taking from the other person because you gave them gifts or took them on dates, in marriage sex is renewable of your covenant at the altar on your wedding day to only choose each other as sexual partners for life. 

As youths, the fact that your big future has not become reality yet doesn't mean the big future is not there, don't let anyone destroy the plan of God for you. That is why these powers of darkness keep looking for youths to destroy the big future God has for them, don't be like Esau who thought what he needed at the moment is more of value than the great future. When he lost his birthright blessings to his younger brother, Bible says he wept bitterly for it. Don't allow any immoral man entice you with stupid gifts to take your glory away from you. Don't allow him to destroy your great future. Some girls get pregnant on that day and their education stops. Don't let that be your portion. 

How to overcome the spirit of immorality from working in you on valentines day is first of all, accept in your heart that you want to do the will of God. Secondly, Bible says flee all manner of evil and flee sexual immorality. By fleeing it means everything and anyone who can make you unnecessarily sexualy aroused, stay away from them. Don't involve in wrong relationships. Don't go to places that can lead to sexual sins or where sexual sin is glorified more than the word of God. Protect your heart, and you will see after the day is passed the whole tension in the environment that wants people to have sex will be vanished. So of what use is it if because of a day you become careless. Don't let the plans of darkness succeed in your life. Pray for grace and you will see the spirit of immorality will not have its way into your heart. May God help us. May God keep our great destiny for us. We won't lose the plan of God for us in Jesus name. Amen. 

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