Ye Have Turned The House Of God To A Den Of Thieves


This topic is one of the words that came directly out of the mouth of Jesus Christ to the people who were worshippers in the temple in the days Jesus was on earth. This statement still applies to us today as people who go to church to worship God. 

Jesus says the gate of hell shall never prevail against His church, meaning at every point in time some people are trying to corrupt the church of God, Jesus will always wipe them out with His cane, He will drive them out. Because the house of God is a place of prayers, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to bring liberation to the depressed and oppressed, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to give justice to those who can't fight for themselves, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to give hope to the hopeless, life to those who have been condemned to die, strength to those who are weak. Anytime there is a church or pastor or prophets where heavy burden is placed on the church members by asking them to bring all their salaries to church, or scamming them to bring their money and properties to make the pastor rich, they are doing contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus will surely wipe them out from the church.

 This message is coming out like a warning or awareness before the judgement comes. 

Run for your life before judgement comes, both as one of the pastors turning the house of God to business centers or as church members who should run from such gatherings. 

You can listen more by watching the video below
