In today's discussion, we are learning one of the the parables and teachings of Jesus Christ about how the judgement day will be. Those things that God will regard as righteous and those things God will see as sin. God wants us to know that the least people we have around us that people don't regard they have the image of God, God's eyes is upon them, if you want to do anything for God, then do it to the least people around you, those people you call homeless, those people who cannot afford to feed themselves, those people who are sick and have no one to care for them, those who are lonely and deserted by other people, when you give your time to be there with them, visit them, cook for them, help them do things they can't do for themselves, you are doing these things for God. It is not in building big church cathedrals that you are giving to God, or sponsoring the expensive lifestyle of your pastors and prophets, I'm not saying don't help your pastors if God leads you, but God is telling us that it is the poor and needy that we give to that shows we are giving to God. I will leave the message for the Holy Spirit to speak to everyone. May God help us to make amends. Instead of building treasures on earth by building churches that God doesn't regard may God help us to start helping the poor and needy which is also what God sees as building treasures in heaven. Amen.
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