Call To Repentance


Jesus is the way to the Father. Only through the salvation of Jesus Christ by the blood of Jesus Christ that we can have good relationship with God from here on earth and also be able to see God in Heaven in eternity. Today God is reaching out His hands of love to everyone that we should give our hearts to Him. Sin and Satan put load, labour, burden on everyone who is in their captive but Jesus Christ takes away such burdens and gives us a life of freedom and peace. God says if we repent we shall eat the good of the land, meaning coming to God through repentance is full of a lot of blessings. No more will there be oppression by the powers of darkness in the sleep, no more will there be guilt of sin because Jesus Christ forgives and forgets and make us stand before God as though we have never sinned before. Salvation gives us a new life that sin will no longer be able to control us or have dominion over us anymore because we now live a life that is above sin. True repentance is when you go to God in prayers by yourself humbly telling God you are sorry for all that you have ever done wrongly that the Holy Spirit has been convicting you of that God is not happy about. You pray telling God you will not do them again if God forgives you, you apply the blood of Jesus Christ by faith to wash away these sins and make your heart pure, you also pray that God writes your name in the book of life so you can get to heaven after this world, you pray wholeheartedly and truthfully with strong decision that you are now ready to do everything God wants you to do, since God sees the heart, when God sees that all you are saying is the truth, He sends the Holy Spirit to your heart to tell you that you are now a child of God. This is the experience of salvation. No pastor has the right to declare you as a child of God, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to do that. It is false teaching we see nowadays when these pastors ask you to repeat some words after them and after that declare you as being saved, it's wrong, they are only declaring you as a church member that is why they write your names in church book, some pastors even say your name in church book is needed to get to heaven, it's lie. It's our names in the book of life in heaven that the angels write when the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts on the day of true repentance and salvation that gives us pass to enter heaven. Jesus is still saving souls and giving a new life that is not under the heavy yoke of satan, don't reject Him. May God use this message to bring people to Himself. Amen. 

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