Christianity Is A Religion Of Forgiveness


Christianity is the religion that originated from people who have the behaviours of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Jesus Christ came to the world to show us how to be reconciled with God, Jesus Christ was going about doing good, Jesus Christ was healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding the poor, setting the captives free, He never did them any wrong and they paid Him back with evil by nailing Him to the cross and accusing Him wrongly of things He never did. Yet on the cross, Jesus Christ was begging God to forgive them for all the evil they have done to Him. That is Christianity. Anyone who wants to be a Christian must have such behaviours of true forgiveness too. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith, He is the only One we can look up to on how we should live our lives as Christians not to any man or pastor. Pastors didn't die for our sins, they are not the ones going to prepare a place for us in heaven, they are not the ones who will come back at the second coming of Jesus Christ to rapture the saints to be with Him in heaven, it is Jesus Christ who is coming again at the second coming of Jesus Christ, so it is only Him we can emulate and copy His life style. We also see another example by Stephen, the first martyr because he was preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, while he was being stoned to death, he asked for the forgiveness of those who were stoning him before he died. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter asked Jesus how many times his brother should offend him and he should forgive, Jesus said seventy times seven times, meaning we are to forgive every time, because vengeance belongs to God. We can't take the right revenge for the wrong anyone has done to us, only God sees the hearts of people and knows the right punishment to give, that's why God wants us to leave vengeance unto Him. We also see more examples in the old Testament of the Bible of how David also portrayed this heart of forgiveness, when he would have killed Saul the king but he forgave him and spared his life despite that Saul was continually seeking to kill Saul, David allowed Saul's death to come from God and he never took revenge in his hands. We also see when shimei the benjamite was cursing him and throwing stones at him because his son absalom made him leave the throne, and he was leaving the city to escape for his life, when God restored the throne back to David after the death of absalom, shimei came back to ask for forgiveness and David forgave him. That is Christianity. We also see in the time of Moses and Joshua, God instructed them to separate a city and call it the city of refuge, it's going to be a place those who unintentionally killed their someone can run to and they can be saved and they won't die. We see, God continually gives chance for forgiveness and He wants us to continue to propagate this forgiveness to everyone too. Christianity is a religion that gives refuge to everyone even the most vilest offender, we should not throw people who run to us for forgiveness away. We should allow God to use us as refuge for them so that they can be saved from their lives of sin. May God help us to be Bible Christians who do what God says and not just learners alone. Amen. 

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