In Honour Preferring One Another


In today's teaching God wants to remind us of one of the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that the new age pastors are no longer preaching, the teaching is about the love of God that is as high as heaven to hell, the love of God is a selfless type of love, it is the type that regards other people before ourselves, it is a type of love that is kind and affectionate without expecting to take from the other person or to use them or to belittle them. If this type of love is being practiced in marriages, we will have long lasting marriages, no way you are disregarding and disrespecting your wife that she will love you as much as she wants to, she might wait for a while to see if there will be changes but if changes doesn't occur then she leaves the marriage. God will ask you as the man why you allowed your home to break because the man is the head of the home, don't just be after how your wife will be slaving for you, regard her as yourself too, don't do things that you know if they are done to you it will hurt you to her. Let God's love reign in how you treat your wife and kids. May God teach us better in our closets because we need the Holy Spirit to interpret this message to us at different times and situations that we need to put this teaching to practice. Amen. 

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