Letters To The Churches


This letters to the churches is from the Bible, it is one of the revelations given to John the beloved when he was at the Isle of Patmos. We should not read or learn this topic as history, we should also apply it to our lives today. That is one of the purpose of the scriptures being written. The scriptures is written to admonish us, to check ourselves so that if those things written applies to us we need to correct ourselves too so that the judgement for doing those things will also not come on us. There are seven churches that letters were sent to them. We have some that it was said of them that they are neither cold nor hot and God doesn't tolerate lukewarm Christianity, God says He will spew them out of His mouth, in our days we can relate this Christians who want to be worldly and at the same time still be claiming that they are Christians maybe from the type of song they sing but their dressing is completely worldly, godliness and worldliness are two different things that don't meet, don't try to mix them together, it will only turn you to a neither cold nor hot Christian and God does not want that. We have another church that is preaching the doctrine of balam who caused stumbling block to Israel and made them sin against God. In our days, it's talking about pastors preaching doctrines that want you to be rich at all cost whether God is glorified or not, some even say that you are not rich means God is not happy with you, they make the rich more honoured thereby causing others to start looking for money at all cost, thinking once they have favour of the pastors it's God that is happy with them, this is wrong. It's a false teaching. Another church is church that allowed Jezebel to preach and seduce people into fornication. This is for people who want to be gospel ministers, whether as singer or preacher or prophet, make sure you have decent dressing and don't attach seductive materials on yourself. You are to preach the word of God not putting attention on your bodies. Or making men to lust after your body. At each ending of the letters, God talks about rewards that will be given to those that overcome. God is also telling us to correct our ways, we should bring back the first love we had when we first got saved when we will reject any option if it will not glorify the name of God. So that we can also have the rewards for overcomers, those who are able to correct things that should be corrected and start standing for God till Jesus comes. May God help us. Amen. 

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