This was Jesus words to Peter when Jesus appeared to him and other disciples at the sea after the resurrection of Jesus. Peter and few disciples went to fish and they couldn't catch any fish, Jesus came to them and told them to cast their net in the sea and they were able to catch a lot of fishes, again Jesus prepared food for them, then Jesus popped up the question to Simon Peter, do you really love me more than these food I give you, or do you love me more than the ability to make you catch a lot of fishes. Peter said to Jesus that he actually loves Jesus. Then Jesus said he should feed His sheep. We see today that many Christians and so called pastors that are supposed to be shepherds over the sheep of God that is the congregation God sends to them to listen to the message of the Gospel and how to live our lives so we can get to heaven at last, we see that these pastors are the ones who love these things more than Jesus nowadays, we see it in how they are merchandising the Gospel message, we see it in how they are selling the power of God, we see it in how instead of preaching the message of the Gospel to their rich church members, the message they preach is how to collect money from them while they remain in their sins. Jesus was telling Peter just as He is speaking to us today that, a time will come when God Himself will send rich people to us to hear of the message of heaven, we should not be after the wealth in their hands how they will submit them to us but we should be after preaching the truth of the message of the Gospel to them even if we have to go hungry because they will not give us money because we don't say things that will make them comfortable in their sinful ways. Jesus is admonishing us to just preach the gospel message and not to sell the gospel for money as many pastors and prophets are doing today. We should continue to preach to people about waiting on God for blessings. We should continue to preach to people about accepting and submitting to the will of God for them instead of saying everything must be done right now thereby causing people to do sinful things to have blessings. The message of the gospel is message that has heaven as the goal, it is message that has humanity in it. It is message that teaches us the fear of God and how to please God on earth. Any message outside that will make people sin against God, they are messages that will turn gospel message to business. Gospel is not for business. God knows how to bless His children. You don't need to sell gospel message before God blesses you. Even when God starts blessing us, God doesn't want us to shift our attention from the gospel message to the money. We should continue to love God by being a good Shepherd who feed the sheep of God and not wolf that is after destroying the sheep. May God help us. Amen.
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