Selling Your Soul To The Devil To Have Fame And Wealth As Gospel Minister

 In this podcast God is reminding us again that our goal as Christians is heaven not this world. Bible says he that loves the world, the love of the Father who is God is not in him. Bible also says the world passes away and everything in it, that is why people who rise to fame and wealth because of what the world wants at that time quickly fades away too as the trend fades away, but just like a tree that is planted by the river side that keeps flourishing that is how anyone who chooses God and the fear of God as their source of wealth and fame, such never gets faded with time. God is again encouraging us that as we have left Egypt which is interpreted as sinful ways we should keep pressing forward to the goal of getting heaven and not allow our needs to make us turn back to the world of serving satan while using God's works as cover up, it doesn't worth it. Another encouragement God is sending out is that, we should put on the whole armour of God always so that we can be able to stand against the temptations that may want us to leave God. The armour of God are the bible studies of the truth of the word of God, meditating on the word of God, reading the word of God and praying for grace to do those things God commands us. Another armour of God is putting these teachings into practice and also preaching the gospel in our little corners, everything makes us stand against the wiles of the devil in evil days. Another teaching of God in this podcast is for us to know that people don't want to endure sound doctrines anymore, therefore we should not say because someone who is also a gospel singer is doing something sinful makes it right, many churches and pastors today are not after doing what Jesus sent us out to do as gospel ministers, many people are after serving their stomachs and their conscience has been seared with hot iron so much that they do wickedness in the church and still claim being called pastors, we need to be continually reminded of this so we don't find ourselves in the same mess they are in. We should not allow them take our focus away from God. Our focus should remain on the goal which is heaven, thereby rejecting options to get wealth and fame that are sinful but only accept and wait for options that have the fear of God in it. May God help us. Amen. 

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