Surrogacy Is Demonic


Anything demonic is from the pit of hell, with devil being the leader of it and his agents that are demons taking it out to the world. These demons possess people and manifest the works of satan through them. The works of satan are always after lifting the throne of satan against the the throne of God. The works of satan is after rebellion against God's original plan of creation that is why God cannot be happy with people who are using wigs, makeup, fake eye lashes, fake nails or any other fake beauty. These things too are from the kingdom of darkness, they are demonic. While the devil saw that his kingdom is going to be pulled down if people keep running to Jesus and the salvation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he devised a means of getting into the church, one of the ways he did it is by giving messages of prosperity to lots of pastors, firstly it takes people's eyes away from the goal which is heaven, people start running after the things of the world, once people's focus are shifted from heaven, they started seeing nothing wrong in the way of the sinners. Then everything the sinners do to make money they want to do too, the way of the world becomes the way these new age christians are living their lives. From beginning, it was not so. The worldly way is completely different from Christian living. That is why there was clear difference between the apostles of Jesus Christ and the people of Corinth to the point that they called them Christians. God is reminding us again today that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for liberation, it is not for putting anyone under bondage or slavery, surrogacy is using people and paying them off not minding the emotional stress, mental breakdown, and inhumane act you have done to them, being selfish is not Jesus Gospel. That is the reason Jesus teach us not to worry about anything at all, and He told us if God provides for birds we are better than birds God will provide for us, He also promised to clothe us, as we are better than lilies that God clothes, God also gives us prayers as a means to communicate with God about our needs and He promised to give us everything we ask for, after using several parables to explain to us that if we give good gifts to our children, how much more our Heavenly Father, He will give us all we ask for if we just continue to pray like that woman who kept asking that judge to avenge her of her enemies, Jesus said the judge didn't fear God but he answered her requests because she kept asking. Jesus used these teachings and stories to tell us that we should only continue praying and not worry like the worldly people, because worrying will lead us into getting things by ourselves against the fear of God. Surrogacy is getting things done by all means without the fear of God in consideration. It is most definitely not from God. We see how Hannah kept on praying for child until God gave her a glorious child, Samuel, a great prophet in Israel. Don't go about competing with God in plan of creation. God is not happy with such things. And I want to conclude by encouraging people who do surrogacy for money, don't worry about your needs too much that you want to follow someone else to sin against God, God will never put His children to shame, God will always come through for us before we are put to shame. Don't sell your salvation for money. Don't sell your conscience for money. Don't sell your destiny for money. Wait for the plan of God to bless you. 

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