The Spirit Of Depression


No matter who anyone is, whether you are a Christian, satan worshiper or even if you don't believe there is God, I want us all to know that it is the breath of God in us that makes us a living being. Meaning to say, there is a part of God in everyone. That also means that, God wants us to reference Him and allow that God's part in us to be made alive instead of letting satan deceive us into killing the voice of God that usually start with our conscience telling us something is wrong. It is the person you submit yourself to that rules your life. If you submit yourself to God to do His will always, the Spirit of God will be the one controlling you and directing your life, and if it is the devil you choose to control, it is the spirit of the devil that will be controlling you against the plans and instructions of God for your life. The devil is always an enemy against God, devil always want to prove that he is greater than God. That was his sin at first that made God send him down from heaven to the earth, devil was trying to raise his throne higher than the throne of God. Devil is still in the business of making anyone he deceives to see themselves as being better than God. They try to recreate things God has created, they try to belittle the work of God. God is never happy with this so God sends spirit of depression to torment anyone who will not allow the knowledge of God in their hearts to guide them how to live for God in this world. Bible says God give them over to reprobate minds to do those things which are not convenient. Someone may want to say God is not wicked, yes that's true but Bible records that God sent evil spirit to torment Saul the king when he refused to take the knowledge of God in himself, he chose to continually disobey God and that is why God tormented him too. That is why after going to clubs, you drink, smoke, sleep with women thinking you have enjoyed yourself, you get home and you are depressed. For women who are adding items sacrificed to idols on themselves, with the mind of recreating yourself, like wigs, fake nails, fake eyelashes, makeup, that is why many of you are attacked with different sicknesses, like cancer of the breast, cancer of the womb, ovarian cyst, these things were never around in the olden days when women allowed the beauty of how God created them to radiate. Many of you go into depression to the point that some commit suicide because nothing is comforting them, the Spirit of God that should comfort them they have shut it up by continuing to disobey God. Today the word of God is coming out to invite us to God again, to allow the love of God in our hearts, to let God take His place in our lives and never tell God we are better than Him in recreating ourselves. Some of the punishment is doing things that are harmful and painful to yourself and you don't even feel the pain because inner pain is hurting you than the pains inflicted on your body through the much piercing and tattoos. Today God is saying Jesus will give you rest. Come to Jesus today. Amen. 

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