When God Takes Everything Like Job


God wants our love and focus to be Him always. God doesn't want us to serve idols, same way God does not want us to love anything He gives us more than Him. We see in the experience of Job that he confirmed that the Lord is the One that gives and He can still take away, glory to His name. That is the perspective God wants us to have about whatever He gives us. We should always see it that it is God that gave them to us. That was what Abraham did that made God to call him the father of faith. Abraham had waited for many years to have a child, Isaac the child of promise and when God asked Abraham to give God this same child, he didn't deny God, he didn't argue with God. He knew it was God who gave him this child and the Lord can still take him. God didn't take him eventually, but God saw his heart that he loves God so much than whatever God gives him. This is how God wants us to relate with Him too. God doesn't want us to share His love in our hearts with anything He gives us to the point that if at any day we lose them we begin to curse God or sin against God. I want to believe this is one of the reasons God was angry with Adam when he sinned against God, because God used the word, in as much as you have listened to your wife before God cursed him. Adam had relationship with God everyday before God gave him Eve, now he diverted his love for God into the gift of God, God does not want that. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God and Him only shall thou trust. Jesus asked Peter three times after feeding him if he loves Him more than these foods, God wants our deep love and relationship with Him. When we are able to allow this connection with God at all times, even in trials and difficulties, it will not be hard to continue to trust God. It may not be easy but Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit, so we should look out for the voice of the Holy Spirit in the day of trouble as our Comforter. Another reason we are advised not to vex the Holy Spirit, because in the days of trouble, people always leave, even if anyone try to say comforting words, they don't work in the day of trouble, only the voice of the Holy Spirit helps to comfort us and keep us above the situation that it doesn't swallow us no matter how tough it is. May God comfort everyone that is hurting or going through difficulties and may God keep us away from experiences of evil and may we not lose anything good and precious to us. Amen. 

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