Ye Must Be Born Again


This topic is another one of Jesus teaching that the new age pastors are no longer preaching, nowadays their purpose for calling altar call is so they can be able to fight against family battle whereas the purpose of Jesus Christ calling us to be born again is so that we can have eternal life and be able to see God in heaven after this world in eternity. Now it's clearer that the reasons of these popular altar calls is to have new members, it's not for making people to know the true salvation or to have a personal encounter with God by ourselves, no pastor can declare you as being born again or as being a child of God, only the Holy Spirit can do that, and He does it by confirming it on our hearts while we have truly repented and declared that we will do the will of God if He saves our souls. That is when the weight of sin is rolled away, the sinful things we loved to do, we will no longer be able to them anymore and we will have a new life that allows us to be able to do things that are pleasing to God. It's no longer us forcing ourselves not to smoke or drink alcohol or womanise, it is the power of God that comes with being born again that helps us not to sin anymore. We now stand before God as though we have never sinned before. Jesus comes to dwell in us, we now live each day to please God, we allow God to direct our decisions and don't force anything that God doesn't want to give us yet. Another advantage of being born again is life eternal. Jesus came to the world to give us life eternal in eternity. So that we don't die a second death. People who die in their sins die again in hell fire. But those of us that we have accepted Jesus Christ in our lives, we live forever. Death is entrance to eternal life for every child of God. This is another call for salvation and call to repentance. Jesus doesn't want us to go to hell fire. Let's come out of the darkness and the evil churches that is telling people God bless them even though they are on their way to hell fire. Come out of churches that is just after making you to give offerings from those sinful things that you do to make money instead of telling you what bible says that the soul that sinneth shall die. Come out from churches that is leading you hell fire because the pastors and prophets themselves already have their hearts pierced with hot iron in hell fire and so they are looking for more church members to join them in hell fire. Run from such gatherings. Come to Jesus Christ today. Cease to follow in the way of sin and hell. May God help us. Amen. 

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