Jesus Has Paid All Sacrifices For Us Already


Today God is teaching us again of the true gospel of Jesus Christ that our pastors and prophets are no longer teaching. Jesus Christ came to reconcile us back to God. That is the whole of the Gospel message, that is what Jesus Christ gave to the disciples to preach to all the world, He said we should go and be witnesses of Him to the world, that is, to tell everyone about His purpose of coming to the world, which is to reconcile us to God by being able to come to God boldly ourselves without needing to make any more sacrifice after Jesus as used Himself as our sacrifice, once and for all. Any pastor or prophet asking you to make sacrifice now to get answers to your prayers or get your needs met is taking you back to idol worship. he is making you to sacrifice to the devil and his demons. The only thing that can stand in our way and won't allow God to hear and answer us is sin, Jesus blood can wash away those sins and we can enter boldly to the throne of mercy by ourselves because the veil has been rent into two with the death of Jesus Christ, we no longer need any pastor or prophet to enter there on our behalf. Any pastor asking you to make sacrifices of money to him to get a blessing is not teaching you the true gospel, the true gospel doesn't need sacrifice. Jesus has paid all sacrifices. Giving is just a act of kindness, it has nothing to do with making sacrifice. Giving should be done out of a cheerful heart, meaning we are not supposed to be giving as a gamble business that pastors are making their followers to do nowadays, gospel of Jesus Christ doesn't support covetousness,the pastors are making people to be noncontented with what God has provided for them even when someone beside them don't have what they have, it's false doctrine, Jesus teaches us gratitude for what God has given us not how to gamble with it to double it as the pastors are doing today. God is the One who commands us to give, and He promised to bless when we give, that is His own dealing to bless us for giving, it's not like how the pastors are making it seem as if God is into gambling, like ,when you give, God multiplies it. It is not God's way, it's just the pastors way of scamming you of your hard earned money and making you poor while they are getting rich. If people give in the house of God, it should be because God has convinced them to give not because pastors have lied to them about the money increasing or about putting fears in the heart of people. Jesus wouldn't have done all that much and we are still made to make sacrifices. Definitely it's no longer sacrifice to God. God sees our strength is small, we can't do it by ourselves hence He sent His Son to use Himself as our sacrifice. Stop sacrificing to demons. The blood of Jesus Christ is enough for us. May God use this word to open the understanding of everyone. Amen. 

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