Today God wants to assure us again that He answers prayers. Because we are humans and there is limit to what our body can endure, we sometimes feel heavy hearted because of what we are going through and we feel the weight can just be lifted right now. This is reason many people find different methods just to get our needs met, some even get what they want but another level of sorrow has been added to them, and the cycle continues. This is what God does not want us to experience by Him assuring us again and again that He answers prayers, He is the God of all flesh, He is the creator of the whole universe and we are part of His creations and He cares about us much more than the lilies of the field or anything we see that God has created, God created humans and made us head of everything He has created. God even tells us He has written us on the palm of His hands just to give us rest of mind that God is taking care of us more than we can imagine. With all these promises of God and words of assurance, whenever situations come that looks difficult don't let us doubt God's power to fix it. Don't let us go and serve other gods to get our needs met, don't let us mix idol worship with the name of Jesus Christ and be saying prayers alone cannot fix it. It is not true. Prayer alone is enough to fix it for us. Jesus Christ gave us example by how He prayed, all He did was pray and He never needed any rituals to get His answers, Jesus Christ is the one we should follow His foot steps, even in the garden, all He did was pray and He accepted to the will of the Father when He saw it was necessary that the cup should not pass over Him. That is also another thing we should hold on to when praying, sometimes God will allow what we are praying that He should take away because He wants to do a greater glory from the situation, that should not lead us to seeking solution from power of darkness that gives a blessing and adds sorrows to the person. God gives us and does not add sorrow. Another thing we should consider when we pray is if there is sin in our lives, God doesn't answer prayer of sinners because God wants us to talk to Him like Father to child, when there is sin in our lives we can't talk to Him as Father to child, first reconcile with God and then ask Him what you need and He will do it.
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