Prayer Is Talking To God And God Talking Back To Us


Firstly I want to apologise for the long break of not coming here. The ministry is moving. God directed me to create a WhatsApp group named "let your light so shine ministry" there we have daily prayer meetings according to the standard of God in the bible. Most of the times we also have encouragement from the word of God too. And bible study of the truth of the gospel so we don't get mixed up with the crowd in this end time. Many times most of the things I want to share on podcasts I have said it already in the morning prayer meetings 😂 so I just start wondering what else should I go to do on podcasts, hence why I have not been here for a while. Today God finally put it on my mind to reshare the morning prayers as podcasts. Since it is same word of God. More so, I see how the word of God in the prayer meeting comforts us and help us to be hopeful and also know more about the gospel and remain heaven conscious and also to avoid the fake gospel the fake pastors and prophets are carrying around, then I see we need to expand the audience, we should not limit this truth to people in the group alone. So we say welcome to the beautiful word of God we have been enjoying 🤗. Today's topic is about prayer. There are different fake prayers today, but today God is teaching us how to talk to God and receive answers. I pray God explains it to us all and help us to always find comfort that comes with talking to God in prayers. Amen. To join our WhatsApp group chat me on +380681500754 or you can use the link on any of my social media platforms. God bless you. May God help us to remain heaven conscious in this world pastors and prophets want followers to keep acquiring riches of the world. Amen

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