Wolves In Sheep Clothing Encourage You To Sin

 Today's teaching is one of our saviour Jesus Christ teaching, He warned us ahead before now so we don't fall into the dangers before we realise it. Jesus Christ is warning us that when we see a pastor or prophet showing evil fruits, we should not give excuses by saying maybe he has some good qualities in him and maybe that evil fruit is a mistake, Jesus Christ is saying, that evil fruit came out of him because he is an evil tree. Jesus warns us that a good fruit always brings forth good fruit while evil tree brings out evil tree. While Jesus is warning us to beware of wolves in sheep clothing who come like gentle sheep with good intentions but inwardly they are ravening wolves that don't care about you at all but looking for how to feed on you and cause you pains. One of the qualities a wolf in sheep clothing will do is to encourage you to be in your sin. While they themselves are sinners and are on their way to hell, they also encourage their followers to remain in sin and use words like they don't judge, God doesn't care about the outward He only care about your inside, they are the ones that always tell you God has forgiven you, it's wrong for anyone to tell you that you are now born again and you are still saved, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in us to tell us we are children of God. When Holy Spirit is telling you that you have sinned, don't listen to pastors that tell you it's not a big deal, God has overlooked it, God only overlooks sin that is confessed and the blood of Jesus Christ wash it away. Such pastors know your sinful way of life and make you minister in the church or even pastor, run from them. They are the ones preaching once saved eternally saved. Don't mind them. They have a mission and it is to destroy your life, while making you to serve them with your money, time, loyalty, commitment and then dump you when you have nothing to offer them anymore and you cannot be useful for yourself again. Don't wait till they fulfill their plans, run as soon as you see their fruits of wickedness. That pastor is working for the devil not God. Don't let him do his evil to you before you learn, run now.

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