Friday, May 31, 2024

Christianity Is A Religion Of Forgiveness


Christianity is the religion that originated from people who have the behaviours of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Jesus Christ came to the world to show us how to be reconciled with God, Jesus Christ was going about doing good, Jesus Christ was healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding the poor, setting the captives free, He never did them any wrong and they paid Him back with evil by nailing Him to the cross and accusing Him wrongly of things He never did. Yet on the cross, Jesus Christ was begging God to forgive them for all the evil they have done to Him. That is Christianity. Anyone who wants to be a Christian must have such behaviours of true forgiveness too. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith, He is the only One we can look up to on how we should live our lives as Christians not to any man or pastor. Pastors didn't die for our sins, they are not the ones going to prepare a place for us in heaven, they are not the ones who will come back at the second coming of Jesus Christ to rapture the saints to be with Him in heaven, it is Jesus Christ who is coming again at the second coming of Jesus Christ, so it is only Him we can emulate and copy His life style. We also see another example by Stephen, the first martyr because he was preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, while he was being stoned to death, he asked for the forgiveness of those who were stoning him before he died. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter asked Jesus how many times his brother should offend him and he should forgive, Jesus said seventy times seven times, meaning we are to forgive every time, because vengeance belongs to God. We can't take the right revenge for the wrong anyone has done to us, only God sees the hearts of people and knows the right punishment to give, that's why God wants us to leave vengeance unto Him. We also see more examples in the old Testament of the Bible of how David also portrayed this heart of forgiveness, when he would have killed Saul the king but he forgave him and spared his life despite that Saul was continually seeking to kill Saul, David allowed Saul's death to come from God and he never took revenge in his hands. We also see when shimei the benjamite was cursing him and throwing stones at him because his son absalom made him leave the throne, and he was leaving the city to escape for his life, when God restored the throne back to David after the death of absalom, shimei came back to ask for forgiveness and David forgave him. That is Christianity. We also see in the time of Moses and Joshua, God instructed them to separate a city and call it the city of refuge, it's going to be a place those who unintentionally killed their someone can run to and they can be saved and they won't die. We see, God continually gives chance for forgiveness and He wants us to continue to propagate this forgiveness to everyone too. Christianity is a religion that gives refuge to everyone even the most vilest offender, we should not throw people who run to us for forgiveness away. We should allow God to use us as refuge for them so that they can be saved from their lives of sin. May God help us to be Bible Christians who do what God says and not just learners alone. Amen. 

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Call To Repentance


Jesus is the way to the Father. Only through the salvation of Jesus Christ by the blood of Jesus Christ that we can have good relationship with God from here on earth and also be able to see God in Heaven in eternity. Today God is reaching out His hands of love to everyone that we should give our hearts to Him. Sin and Satan put load, labour, burden on everyone who is in their captive but Jesus Christ takes away such burdens and gives us a life of freedom and peace. God says if we repent we shall eat the good of the land, meaning coming to God through repentance is full of a lot of blessings. No more will there be oppression by the powers of darkness in the sleep, no more will there be guilt of sin because Jesus Christ forgives and forgets and make us stand before God as though we have never sinned before. Salvation gives us a new life that sin will no longer be able to control us or have dominion over us anymore because we now live a life that is above sin. True repentance is when you go to God in prayers by yourself humbly telling God you are sorry for all that you have ever done wrongly that the Holy Spirit has been convicting you of that God is not happy about. You pray telling God you will not do them again if God forgives you, you apply the blood of Jesus Christ by faith to wash away these sins and make your heart pure, you also pray that God writes your name in the book of life so you can get to heaven after this world, you pray wholeheartedly and truthfully with strong decision that you are now ready to do everything God wants you to do, since God sees the heart, when God sees that all you are saying is the truth, He sends the Holy Spirit to your heart to tell you that you are now a child of God. This is the experience of salvation. No pastor has the right to declare you as a child of God, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to do that. It is false teaching we see nowadays when these pastors ask you to repeat some words after them and after that declare you as being saved, it's wrong, they are only declaring you as a church member that is why they write your names in church book, some pastors even say your name in church book is needed to get to heaven, it's lie. It's our names in the book of life in heaven that the angels write when the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts on the day of true repentance and salvation that gives us pass to enter heaven. Jesus is still saving souls and giving a new life that is not under the heavy yoke of satan, don't reject Him. May God use this message to bring people to Himself. Amen. 

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Gospel Of Love


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a Gospel of love. Everything Jesus taught was how we can be in good relationship with one another. Any church where they make you suspect the next person beside you every time as evil to the point that you are always wishing them bad cannot be a church of God, the church of God is a church that the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the believers has made us one and make us to be in one accord with each other so much that you are not suspecting the next person beside you and you are not doing evil to them as pay back for what you are thinking they did to you which may not be true. The Gospel of Jesus Christ the Gospel of love is the Gospel that there is no anger or strife. You don't intentionally hurt your brother or sister in the Lord and if at any time you mistakenly hurt someone unknowingly you apologize so that you don't turn the church to a place people get hurt. The Gospel of love is the Gospel that puts the honour of someone else better than ourselves. We are not making others to sing our praises by what good we do for them, we don't do show off type of giving, we give while still respecting those we give to. Bible explains to us what love means, love doesn't rejoice in iniquity, you don't watch your brother or sister suffer and say you love, you don't watch your brother or sister doing wrong things and encourage them to continue, that is not love. The Gospel of love teach us to bear each other's burden. It means you don't leave your brother or sister who needs help to carry the weight on themselves alone, you do things to help them until they can stand on their own, that is love. Jesus says we should love our neighbors as ourselves, it means we know those things that can hurt us if done to us, we should not do it to others. By so doing we are loving our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus also reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus is the Gospel that satisfies and fills everyone that comes to it. Nobody comes to Jesus and still thirst, Gospel of Jesus the Gospel of love satisfies and meets all our needs. You are not supposed to come to church being in need of accommodation and leave the church being without clothes. All needs are supposed to be met in the church that practice the true Gospel of love. May God help us to be practicing Christians and not just Christians by mouth. Amen. 

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Monday, May 27, 2024

The Church Is Supposed To Be A Safe Place


Jesus Christ said the house of God is a house of prayers, it is not a den of thieves. The church is a place for everyone who is weak, poor, oppressed and hurting can come to and they will be liberated and have food, clothing and shelter. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of peace and love. Church is not a place that scare people from coming there, the church is supposed to be a safe place. The pastors are not to be using church money to make themselves rich, church money that children of God bring to the church is for feeding the poor in the church. There should not be respecter of persons in the church or favouritism to some people because they are rich. The apostles didn't do that in their times. The apostles shared money among believers so much that there was none that was richer than the other. Jesus said, O everyone that thirst, come to me and drink of the water of life freely. Selling accommodation to people in the church is not gospel. Church is a place people can go to and have free accommodation. Creating institutions that separate the poor from the rich should not come to the church. If you want to create schools make it affordable for both the poor and the rich, don't monetize the church. Church is not a business. Church is God's house. Church is not a place to buy and sell. Everything in the church should be affordable for even the poor. God knows how to take care of things in the church. God knows how to talk to people who will bring money to the church. Pastors should stop oppressing the poor church members with court, bible comes against taking ourselves to court, a pastor doing that is not of God, he is of the devil, he doesn't have the love of God in him. May God clean His church and uproot the evil leaders polluting the church with wickedness in Jesus name. Amen. 

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Saturday, May 25, 2024

When God Takes Everything Like Job


God wants our love and focus to be Him always. God doesn't want us to serve idols, same way God does not want us to love anything He gives us more than Him. We see in the experience of Job that he confirmed that the Lord is the One that gives and He can still take away, glory to His name. That is the perspective God wants us to have about whatever He gives us. We should always see it that it is God that gave them to us. That was what Abraham did that made God to call him the father of faith. Abraham had waited for many years to have a child, Isaac the child of promise and when God asked Abraham to give God this same child, he didn't deny God, he didn't argue with God. He knew it was God who gave him this child and the Lord can still take him. God didn't take him eventually, but God saw his heart that he loves God so much than whatever God gives him. This is how God wants us to relate with Him too. God doesn't want us to share His love in our hearts with anything He gives us to the point that if at any day we lose them we begin to curse God or sin against God. I want to believe this is one of the reasons God was angry with Adam when he sinned against God, because God used the word, in as much as you have listened to your wife before God cursed him. Adam had relationship with God everyday before God gave him Eve, now he diverted his love for God into the gift of God, God does not want that. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God and Him only shall thou trust. Jesus asked Peter three times after feeding him if he loves Him more than these foods, God wants our deep love and relationship with Him. When we are able to allow this connection with God at all times, even in trials and difficulties, it will not be hard to continue to trust God. It may not be easy but Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit, so we should look out for the voice of the Holy Spirit in the day of trouble as our Comforter. Another reason we are advised not to vex the Holy Spirit, because in the days of trouble, people always leave, even if anyone try to say comforting words, they don't work in the day of trouble, only the voice of the Holy Spirit helps to comfort us and keep us above the situation that it doesn't swallow us no matter how tough it is. May God comfort everyone that is hurting or going through difficulties and may God keep us away from experiences of evil and may we not lose anything good and precious to us. Amen. 

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Friday, May 24, 2024

The Spirit Of Depression


No matter who anyone is, whether you are a Christian, satan worshiper or even if you don't believe there is God, I want us all to know that it is the breath of God in us that makes us a living being. Meaning to say, there is a part of God in everyone. That also means that, God wants us to reference Him and allow that God's part in us to be made alive instead of letting satan deceive us into killing the voice of God that usually start with our conscience telling us something is wrong. It is the person you submit yourself to that rules your life. If you submit yourself to God to do His will always, the Spirit of God will be the one controlling you and directing your life, and if it is the devil you choose to control, it is the spirit of the devil that will be controlling you against the plans and instructions of God for your life. The devil is always an enemy against God, devil always want to prove that he is greater than God. That was his sin at first that made God send him down from heaven to the earth, devil was trying to raise his throne higher than the throne of God. Devil is still in the business of making anyone he deceives to see themselves as being better than God. They try to recreate things God has created, they try to belittle the work of God. God is never happy with this so God sends spirit of depression to torment anyone who will not allow the knowledge of God in their hearts to guide them how to live for God in this world. Bible says God give them over to reprobate minds to do those things which are not convenient. Someone may want to say God is not wicked, yes that's true but Bible records that God sent evil spirit to torment Saul the king when he refused to take the knowledge of God in himself, he chose to continually disobey God and that is why God tormented him too. That is why after going to clubs, you drink, smoke, sleep with women thinking you have enjoyed yourself, you get home and you are depressed. For women who are adding items sacrificed to idols on themselves, with the mind of recreating yourself, like wigs, fake nails, fake eyelashes, makeup, that is why many of you are attacked with different sicknesses, like cancer of the breast, cancer of the womb, ovarian cyst, these things were never around in the olden days when women allowed the beauty of how God created them to radiate. Many of you go into depression to the point that some commit suicide because nothing is comforting them, the Spirit of God that should comfort them they have shut it up by continuing to disobey God. Today the word of God is coming out to invite us to God again, to allow the love of God in our hearts, to let God take His place in our lives and never tell God we are better than Him in recreating ourselves. Some of the punishment is doing things that are harmful and painful to yourself and you don't even feel the pain because inner pain is hurting you than the pains inflicted on your body through the much piercing and tattoos. Today God is saying Jesus will give you rest. Come to Jesus today. Amen. 

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

When You Get To The Land Don't Imitate Them

 This was God's instruction to the Israelites when they were going to the promised land, the Land of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey, the Land they will be living in houses they didn't build, the Land they will be eating from crops they didn't plant. God told the Israelites that He is sending the former occupants of that Land out of there because they were doing abominable things to God. They were serving idols, God then told the Israelites not to serve their gods when God has given them peace and victory over all their enemies, when God has given them plenty to eat that they can easily eat whatever they like anytime. God warned them that is not the time to start looking for how to make God angry by worshipping idols like the people of the Land. This message is also coming to us today in this nowadays, we are not to read the instruction of God as history, we should take it that God is talking to us too. For people God gives chance to travel to a good country that everything is in order, but the people there are not honouring God, just like some countries that have legalized homosexuals, when God takes any of His children to such lands to prosper financially, don't join them in the abominable things they do, don't join them to do gay or lesbianism, it's abomination to God. Don't join them to smoke, don't join them to do fake marriage to get documents. Trust God to work things out for you in His most perfect way that will not make you sin against God and God will be glorified. Same goes to whatever high positions God takes us or whatever people in higher positions God gives us chance to meet, we are not to join them to sin, but rather we should preach to them about Jesus Christ and His salvation. God never forgets His own. We should not be worried so much how we want to overcome the situation to the point of agreeing to sinful options. Sinful options always limit how great God wants to perform. May God help us to always have grace to overcome temptations. Amen. 

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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Rapture Of The Saints


This topic is one of the teachings of the Bible that we are instructed to encourage ourselves with. Jesus Christ is coming again. A lot of people have been so occupied with the pursuit of the things of the world that they have forgotten that Jesus Christ is coming again. This is the voice of the watchman, the Holy Spirit waking us up not to get swept away by worldly things like money, fame. Everything in the world will pass away, we can see that as some songs reign for a while and they are easily forgotten after a while, that proves that the world is passing away. But those who are for God and the things of God are forever, they don't get faded or forgotten with time, we can also see that in old hymns that were written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, after many generations these songs are still saving souls, they are still making people to get liberated from the shackles of sin and satan, they still encourage people to keep holding the forth in the battle against sin and the world. With these two illustrations, we see that we are not doing something wrong if we choose to continue to be alert that Jesus Christ is coming again instead of allowing worldly things to capture us so much that we say things like, leaving Jesus behind and after making money to start using the money for God. I have said it before, such offerings are not accepted by God. God says such offerings stink, He can't take them. Don't let any pastor deceive you that you are building treasures in heaven by building churches with sinful money, it's not true, you are only building treasures on this earth. That is why the first thing Jesus told that rich man who came to ask him how he can get to heaven, Jesus told him to go and sell all that he had and followed Him. Probably his money has been gotten by oppressing the poor or taking things forcefully from people. The rich man said he gives to poor, he obeys all the ten commandments but yet Jesus didn't give him a pass mark because everything is vain if how he got the money is sinful. This illustration is also to tell you that you can't use money to bribe God, the only way to be saved is through the blood of Jesus Christ by true repentance and dedication that you won't go back to the sin anymore. Jesus is coming again should start ringing on every heart. We should not forget. We should live our lives to please God so that when the trumpet sounds we will not be found unprepared. There is tribulation coming that we should not allow ourselves to experience it. That is why this is another call for repentance. And if you are saved, it's a call not to sleep off, it's a call to keep watching, to keep praying, to keep fighting the good fight of faith and keep holding on to the true gospel teachings instead of following the false teachings that is in the world today. May God help us and make us rapturable when Jesus comes. Amen. 

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Letters To The Churches


This letters to the churches is from the Bible, it is one of the revelations given to John the beloved when he was at the Isle of Patmos. We should not read or learn this topic as history, we should also apply it to our lives today. That is one of the purpose of the scriptures being written. The scriptures is written to admonish us, to check ourselves so that if those things written applies to us we need to correct ourselves too so that the judgement for doing those things will also not come on us. There are seven churches that letters were sent to them. We have some that it was said of them that they are neither cold nor hot and God doesn't tolerate lukewarm Christianity, God says He will spew them out of His mouth, in our days we can relate this Christians who want to be worldly and at the same time still be claiming that they are Christians maybe from the type of song they sing but their dressing is completely worldly, godliness and worldliness are two different things that don't meet, don't try to mix them together, it will only turn you to a neither cold nor hot Christian and God does not want that. We have another church that is preaching the doctrine of balam who caused stumbling block to Israel and made them sin against God. In our days, it's talking about pastors preaching doctrines that want you to be rich at all cost whether God is glorified or not, some even say that you are not rich means God is not happy with you, they make the rich more honoured thereby causing others to start looking for money at all cost, thinking once they have favour of the pastors it's God that is happy with them, this is wrong. It's a false teaching. Another church is church that allowed Jezebel to preach and seduce people into fornication. This is for people who want to be gospel ministers, whether as singer or preacher or prophet, make sure you have decent dressing and don't attach seductive materials on yourself. You are to preach the word of God not putting attention on your bodies. Or making men to lust after your body. At each ending of the letters, God talks about rewards that will be given to those that overcome. God is also telling us to correct our ways, we should bring back the first love we had when we first got saved when we will reject any option if it will not glorify the name of God. So that we can also have the rewards for overcomers, those who are able to correct things that should be corrected and start standing for God till Jesus comes. May God help us. Amen. 

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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Heaven Is A Beautiful City We Should Want To Be


Today God is sending out His message that Heaven is a beautiful city we should want to be. Jesus said He has gone to prepare a place for us, we should not allow Him to prepare in vain, we should start doing things on this earth that will qualify us for Heaven. This world is passing away with everything in it, as children of God that is saved or anyone who is also willing to get saved, Jesus wish and instruction for us is, we should not be the type who worry about the things of this world, Jesus said our Father in Heaven knows we are in need of them and He will surely give them to us, another of the teaching of the Bible is contentment, these are ways of God blessing us in this world instead of doing do or die affairs of making money that those who are not saved are doing. Meaning, when we see churches that are more concerned about how their members can have quick wealth or miracles, signs and wonders instead of pointing the eyes of church members to continue to aspire to get to heaven, then we should know such churches are not of God. The totality of what Jesus came to do on earth is to complete the work of redemption so that we can be saved and redeemed from satan and sin into a new life in God, and now this Jesus is at the right hand of the Father in Heaven pleading for us that we can also reign with Him in the Heavenly kingdom as joint heirs with Him. Anybody who is claiming that he is a Christian or a follower of Jesus Christ or even claiming being born again should be after this too. Anything outside that, then such person is just using the name of Jesus for business, such person is just after living in this world forever without hope of Heaven on their hearts. The Gospel of Jesus is such that puts hope of Heaven on our hearts daily. Heaven is a beautiful place, there is no need of light there because Jesus is the light of the city, Heaven has streets built of fine pure gold, there is no city on this earth with such qualifications, there is beautiful tree in heaven that has twelve fruits that yields every month, in Heaven, there is no sorrow, no hunger, no worries, no iniquity. Why won't anyone want to be in such place. There is water of life flowing from the throne of God. The walls are made of fine stones and they are transparent, with all these descriptions, it is of no doubt a good place to be. We cannot know how beautiful it is until we get there. And I want to round up with the words of this song that is prayer. 

Do Thou, Lord, 'midst pleasure of woe,

Still for Heaven our spirits prepare;

And shortly we also shall know

And feel what it is to be there.

O God please count us worthy of getting to Heaven, that is how we can know what it feels like to be there. Amen. 

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Friday, May 17, 2024

The Book Of Life


This is another undiluted message of the Bible that God wants us to encourage ourselves with so that we don't get carried away with the worldly fame, riches and glory that is passing away everyday. Nothing is worth it exchanging salvation for in this world. Guide your heart jealousy, guide your relationship with God and Holy Spirit jealously and carefully. It is those who have walked with God here on earth that will see God in heaven. Bible also says anyone whose name is not found in the book of life will have their part in hell fire, may that not be our portion in Jesus name. Amen. We must daily check ourselves to make sure we still have out names in the book of life. Bible says no unclean thing will enter heaven, that means to say, if your pastor is telling you God bless you while you are living a life of sin and he is declaring you a brother or sister or even making you a pastor or leader in the church, he is deceiving you, he is making you double sons of hell than himself, he also is not going to heaven and he is just looking for church members who won't go to heaven too. Only the Holy Spirit can declare us as children of God not pastor. So make sure any sinful thing in your life is removed by the blood of Jesus Christ so that God can write your name in the book of life. May God keep our names in the book of life. Amen. And may God count us worthy of the heavenly kingdom to reign with Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ye Must Be Born Again


This topic is another one of Jesus teaching that the new age pastors are no longer preaching, nowadays their purpose for calling altar call is so they can be able to fight against family battle whereas the purpose of Jesus Christ calling us to be born again is so that we can have eternal life and be able to see God in heaven after this world in eternity. Now it's clearer that the reasons of these popular altar calls is to have new members, it's not for making people to know the true salvation or to have a personal encounter with God by ourselves, no pastor can declare you as being born again or as being a child of God, only the Holy Spirit can do that, and He does it by confirming it on our hearts while we have truly repented and declared that we will do the will of God if He saves our souls. That is when the weight of sin is rolled away, the sinful things we loved to do, we will no longer be able to them anymore and we will have a new life that allows us to be able to do things that are pleasing to God. It's no longer us forcing ourselves not to smoke or drink alcohol or womanise, it is the power of God that comes with being born again that helps us not to sin anymore. We now stand before God as though we have never sinned before. Jesus comes to dwell in us, we now live each day to please God, we allow God to direct our decisions and don't force anything that God doesn't want to give us yet. Another advantage of being born again is life eternal. Jesus came to the world to give us life eternal in eternity. So that we don't die a second death. People who die in their sins die again in hell fire. But those of us that we have accepted Jesus Christ in our lives, we live forever. Death is entrance to eternal life for every child of God. This is another call for salvation and call to repentance. Jesus doesn't want us to go to hell fire. Let's come out of the darkness and the evil churches that is telling people God bless them even though they are on their way to hell fire. Come out of churches that is just after making you to give offerings from those sinful things that you do to make money instead of telling you what bible says that the soul that sinneth shall die. Come out from churches that is leading you hell fire because the pastors and prophets themselves already have their hearts pierced with hot iron in hell fire and so they are looking for more church members to join them in hell fire. Run from such gatherings. Come to Jesus Christ today. Cease to follow in the way of sin and hell. May God help us. Amen. 

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Prepare To Meet Your God


Contrary to what people think when they see topics like this as if one is wishing them death, that's not true. We don't wish death but at the same time we need to remind ourselves that there is life after death. This is reason for the work of redemption that Jesus Christ did on Calvary, Jesus Christ died so that we can have life eternal, Jesus Christ died so we can be reconciled to God and live our lives to please God right from this world and then after this world we can open our eyes to see the God we have always referenced, loved, honoured and feared in the world by fearing to do things that can make God angry or make God's presence to leave us. It's good to see our God smile at us when He will be sending judgement on some others who have not allowed God's knowledge in their hearts in this world. Bible says the world passes away with everything in it, meaning there is nothing so special in this world that we should allow to take God and God's love away from us. It's not love by mouth, I mean love of, how can I do this and sin against God. Love of even though God doesn't do it I will still continue to trust Him, love of, I know prayers alone can solve my problems, I don't need to seek after fake prophets to teach me prophetic things I should do to have wealth or favour from people, love of, I will rather have Jesus than silver or gold that has stain of sin in it, love of even if it is God's will not to be married yet I agree to it than for me to commit fornication to keep relationship with the man who has promised to marry me. Does anyone tell you that it will be easy standing for God and waiting for His time to bless us, no, it's definitely not easy. But God's grace will be abundant for us. That is why God is sending out another message to us again today to encourage us if we are waiting on the Lord to bless us that we are doing the right things and we should continue holding on to the truth, it's also a message to people who are already doing contrary to God's instruction to come back to God, or maybe they have never known God before, it's message to wake us all up to be prepared to meet our God. God wants us to live our lives pleasing to Him always. Come to Jesus today and He will receive you and make you one of the heirs of God with Him. Jesus gives a satisfied and blissful life and then eternal life after this world. This world has nothing enough to exchange our souls or our relationship with God or our home in heaven with it. Everything in the world will surely pass away and be destroyed. Be ready for Jesus coming always. May God help us all. Amen. 

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Friday, May 10, 2024

Evil Generation Seek After Signs And Wonders


Again God is reminding us that the true gospel of Jesus Christ is for preaching the work of redemption that Jesus Christ did on the cross, the gospel message is not message of signs and wonders, the gospel message is not for merchandise, it's not to make ourselves rich as pastors or prophets, any offering coming to the church is so that there can be food in the house of God, meaning that out of those provisions even the poor can come to the church and get filled, it's not for pride of life or showing off from our nowadays pastors that want to show how much they travel on first class airlines and then invite the church members to tap into such too, this is completely wrong, while many of the people who come to church that day don't have food to eat, some don't even have transport, God designed that they can come to church and get filled not coming to church to get oppressed by the pastors and even collecting the little that is in their hands. This is evil and wicked in the eyes of God. Again God wants everyone in gatherings like this to run as fast as their feet can carry them lest you get hypnotized by their demonic works. Church is not a place to seek signs and wonders, church is a place to seek the kingdom of God. Church is a place to build our love for God and build the hope of heaven on our minds, not a place we are continually being scared of family battles or witches. Such teachings of get saved so you can be able to pray against your family battles is a very false teaching, it's not from God, we are to get saved so we can get to heaven, salvation is a personal experience with God, it's not a say after me thing, it's not the pastor that will declare you to be saved, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to bear witness with our spirit that we are now children of God and to roll away our sins and make us stand before God as though we have never sinned before. A pastor declaring you as born again is just a lie, what he is doing is he is counting you as a member of his church, he is after having large congregation not after winning souls for the kingdom of God. God says He didn't send them. The offerings they are collecting to build schools that the poor cannot afford, God says He didn't send them, the large auditoriums they are building is not God's instruction. Those offerings you are giving to fan the ego of these pastors, God says it stinks. God doesn't accept them. The offerings He accept are the ones used for feeding the poor and making food available in the house of God. Let's run back to the old gospel and old time worship that calls for the Spirit of God that is calm and orderly not the demonic spirits manifesting today, disgracing people publicly and making people fall down in the church or a spirit making people to speak in jargons calling it speaking in tongues. In the presence of God, we are to humble ourselves to pray not speaking words that make no meaning calling it tongues, prayer is talking to God about what is troubling our hearts. How do you express your heart when you don't even understand what you are saying, it's more like showing off like the Pharisee who went to the temple describing all his good works, he went home condemned, the presence of God should make us go home feeling justified and spiritually alert to continue to stand for God in a world of sin. God help us. Amen. 

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Selling Your Soul To The Devil To Have Fame And Wealth As Gospel Minister

 In this podcast God is reminding us again that our goal as Christians is heaven not this world. Bible says he that loves the world, the love of the Father who is God is not in him. Bible also says the world passes away and everything in it, that is why people who rise to fame and wealth because of what the world wants at that time quickly fades away too as the trend fades away, but just like a tree that is planted by the river side that keeps flourishing that is how anyone who chooses God and the fear of God as their source of wealth and fame, such never gets faded with time. God is again encouraging us that as we have left Egypt which is interpreted as sinful ways we should keep pressing forward to the goal of getting heaven and not allow our needs to make us turn back to the world of serving satan while using God's works as cover up, it doesn't worth it. Another encouragement God is sending out is that, we should put on the whole armour of God always so that we can be able to stand against the temptations that may want us to leave God. The armour of God are the bible studies of the truth of the word of God, meditating on the word of God, reading the word of God and praying for grace to do those things God commands us. Another armour of God is putting these teachings into practice and also preaching the gospel in our little corners, everything makes us stand against the wiles of the devil in evil days. Another teaching of God in this podcast is for us to know that people don't want to endure sound doctrines anymore, therefore we should not say because someone who is also a gospel singer is doing something sinful makes it right, many churches and pastors today are not after doing what Jesus sent us out to do as gospel ministers, many people are after serving their stomachs and their conscience has been seared with hot iron so much that they do wickedness in the church and still claim being called pastors, we need to be continually reminded of this so we don't find ourselves in the same mess they are in. We should not allow them take our focus away from God. Our focus should remain on the goal which is heaven, thereby rejecting options to get wealth and fame that are sinful but only accept and wait for options that have the fear of God in it. May God help us. Amen. 

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Lovest Me More Than All These Things

This was Jesus words to Peter when Jesus appeared to him and other disciples at the sea after the resurrection of Jesus. Peter and few disciples went to fish and they couldn't catch any fish, Jesus came to them and told them to cast their net in the sea and they were able to catch a lot of fishes, again Jesus prepared food for them, then Jesus popped up the question to Simon Peter, do you really love me more than these food I give you, or do you love me more than the ability to make you catch a lot of fishes. Peter said to Jesus that he actually loves Jesus. Then Jesus said he should feed His sheep. We see today that many Christians and so called pastors that are supposed to be shepherds over the sheep of God that is the congregation God sends to them to listen to the message of the Gospel and how to live our lives so we can get to heaven at last, we see that these pastors are the ones who love these things more than Jesus nowadays, we see it in how they are merchandising the Gospel message, we see it in how they are selling the power of God, we see it in how instead of preaching the message of the Gospel to their rich church members, the message they preach is how to collect money from them while they remain in their sins. Jesus was telling Peter just as He is speaking to us today that, a time will come when God Himself will send rich people to us to hear of the message of heaven, we should not be after the wealth in their hands how they will submit them to us but we should be after preaching the truth of the message of the Gospel to them even if we have to go hungry because they will not give us money because we don't say things that will make them comfortable in their sinful ways. Jesus is admonishing us to just preach the gospel message and not to sell the gospel for money as many pastors and prophets are doing today. We should continue to preach to people about waiting on God for blessings. We should continue to preach to people about accepting and submitting to the will of God for them instead of saying everything must be done right now thereby causing people to do sinful things to have blessings. The message of the gospel is message that has heaven as the goal, it is message that has humanity in it. It is message that teaches us the fear of God and how to please God on earth. Any message outside that will make people sin against God, they are messages that will turn gospel message to business. Gospel is not for business. God knows how to bless His children. You don't need to sell gospel message before God blesses you. Even when God starts blessing us, God doesn't want us to shift our attention from the gospel message to the money. We should continue to love God by being a good Shepherd who feed the sheep of God and not wolf that is after destroying the sheep. May God help us. Amen. 

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Friday, May 3, 2024

In Honour Preferring One Another


In today's teaching God wants to remind us of one of the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that the new age pastors are no longer preaching, the teaching is about the love of God that is as high as heaven to hell, the love of God is a selfless type of love, it is the type that regards other people before ourselves, it is a type of love that is kind and affectionate without expecting to take from the other person or to use them or to belittle them. If this type of love is being practiced in marriages, we will have long lasting marriages, no way you are disregarding and disrespecting your wife that she will love you as much as she wants to, she might wait for a while to see if there will be changes but if changes doesn't occur then she leaves the marriage. God will ask you as the man why you allowed your home to break because the man is the head of the home, don't just be after how your wife will be slaving for you, regard her as yourself too, don't do things that you know if they are done to you it will hurt you to her. Let God's love reign in how you treat your wife and kids. May God teach us better in our closets because we need the Holy Spirit to interpret this message to us at different times and situations that we need to put this teaching to practice. Amen. 

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Surrogacy Is Demonic


Anything demonic is from the pit of hell, with devil being the leader of it and his agents that are demons taking it out to the world. These demons possess people and manifest the works of satan through them. The works of satan are always after lifting the throne of satan against the the throne of God. The works of satan is after rebellion against God's original plan of creation that is why God cannot be happy with people who are using wigs, makeup, fake eye lashes, fake nails or any other fake beauty. These things too are from the kingdom of darkness, they are demonic. While the devil saw that his kingdom is going to be pulled down if people keep running to Jesus and the salvation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he devised a means of getting into the church, one of the ways he did it is by giving messages of prosperity to lots of pastors, firstly it takes people's eyes away from the goal which is heaven, people start running after the things of the world, once people's focus are shifted from heaven, they started seeing nothing wrong in the way of the sinners. Then everything the sinners do to make money they want to do too, the way of the world becomes the way these new age christians are living their lives. From beginning, it was not so. The worldly way is completely different from Christian living. That is why there was clear difference between the apostles of Jesus Christ and the people of Corinth to the point that they called them Christians. God is reminding us again today that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for liberation, it is not for putting anyone under bondage or slavery, surrogacy is using people and paying them off not minding the emotional stress, mental breakdown, and inhumane act you have done to them, being selfish is not Jesus Gospel. That is the reason Jesus teach us not to worry about anything at all, and He told us if God provides for birds we are better than birds God will provide for us, He also promised to clothe us, as we are better than lilies that God clothes, God also gives us prayers as a means to communicate with God about our needs and He promised to give us everything we ask for, after using several parables to explain to us that if we give good gifts to our children, how much more our Heavenly Father, He will give us all we ask for if we just continue to pray like that woman who kept asking that judge to avenge her of her enemies, Jesus said the judge didn't fear God but he answered her requests because she kept asking. Jesus used these teachings and stories to tell us that we should only continue praying and not worry like the worldly people, because worrying will lead us into getting things by ourselves against the fear of God. Surrogacy is getting things done by all means without the fear of God in consideration. It is most definitely not from God. We see how Hannah kept on praying for child until God gave her a glorious child, Samuel, a great prophet in Israel. Don't go about competing with God in plan of creation. God is not happy with such things. And I want to conclude by encouraging people who do surrogacy for money, don't worry about your needs too much that you want to follow someone else to sin against God, God will never put His children to shame, God will always come through for us before we are put to shame. Don't sell your salvation for money. Don't sell your conscience for money. Don't sell your destiny for money. Wait for the plan of God to bless you. 

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The Gospel Of Jesus Is Not For Divination

  Jesus Christ came to seek and save those who are lost. That is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does. It saves us from sin and gives us a n...